The Missionary Servants of the Word from Kenya, under the auspices of the Catholic Biblical Federation, have successfully completed a project that is made possible by the funding provided by Aid to the Church in Need International. The project aims to distribute over 1500 Bibles in diverse languages across Kenya.
From Friday May 3rd to Sunday May 5th 2024, the Episcopal Council for Biblical Apostolate (CEAB) held its first ordinary session of the year 2024 at the Daluag Prayer Center in Dapaong (Togo - West Africa).
On September 5 Fr. Jean Prosper Agbagnon SVD, Executive Director of the Bureau National de l'apostolat biblique of the Conférence Épiscopale du Togo and recteur de l'Institut de Pédagogie Religieuse Saint Paul de Lomé, visited the General Secretariat of the Catholic Biblical Federation.
Fr Agbagnon came accompanied by Fr Romeo Koffi Yemso SVD from Togo, a student of Biblical Sciences at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.
Father Jean Prosper Agbagnon SVD presented to Mgr Moise Messan TOUHO, Bishop of Atakpame, in the presence of Mrs Estelle AKOUEGNON, General Secretary of the Bible Society of Togo (ABT) and Shepherd Macaire GBIKPI, ABT Communications Officer, two new translations of the Bible into local languages: the Old and New Testaments in Ewe with the Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament in Ikposo.
From the 9th to the 13th of December 2022, it was once again a time for pomp and fun-fare for the Arnoldus Junior Youth, as they gathered for the Bible Camp.
The 2nd International Biblical Symposium on the theme "Animação bíblica da inteira pastoral", organised by the Episcopal Commission for Biblical Pastoral Ministry of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé (CEAST), which took place from 16 to 18 September in Luanda, came to an end.
During his first working visit to Washington, DC after the pause caused by the pandemic, the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation, Fr. Jan J. Stefanów SVD paid a working visit to the National Collections Offices of the USCCB to meet with Mr. Edward Kiely, Director of Church in Africa Program.
On 1 January 1982, the Verbum Bible publishing house was founded with the project of publishing the Bible in Lingala, one of the most widely spoken languages in the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially in its capital, Kinshasa, and in the north-west of the country. In 2022, it celebrates 40 years of existence and service, with several Bibles published in French, English and several local African and especially Congolese languages.
Responding to the invitation to participate in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of Verbum Bible, the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation held a working visit in the DR Congo.
Having entered the New Year 2021, it is time to begin a tour of the various regions of the Catholic Biblical Federation on our journey towards the 10th Plenary Assembly. This month we will visit the Region of Africa.
The Catholic Biblical Federation is united in prayer with the Church in Togo for the repose of the soul of Fr. Etienne Amouzou who for many years was engaged in the biblical apostolate at the level of the Episcopal Conference of Togo, a member of our Federation.
The Episcopal Commission for Biblical Pastoral of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique has organised a National Bible Week (SEBINA) from 20 to 27 September 2020 for all Archdioceses, Dioceses, Parishes, Religious Communities, under the slogan: The Word is near you (Dt 30:14).
The Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation, in its meeting on September 02, 2020, admitted to the Catholic Biblical Federation 4 new associate members.
The Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation, in its meeting on September 02, 2020, admitted to the Catholic Biblical Federation 4 new associate members.
Looking for new ways to be "far" and at the same time "close" is one of the great challenges in this time of pandemic. In Angola it is no different...but access to the internet is quite limited. Telephone operators favour the use of facebook, becoming this the most used social network.
Office bearers of Pontifical Missionary Society (PMS), Pastoral Coordinators and Family apostolate at the national and Diocese levels in Malawi converged at Nantipwiri Pastoral Centre in the Archdiocese of Blantyre to plan for the Year of Bible as announced by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi.
Since 2018, the Pauline Sisters of Angola have undertaken a systematic biblical formation of lay people, with the course “Bible in Community”, a project based on the Biblical Animation Service - SAB / Brazil. The purpose of the course, on three successive levels (Bible Overview, Bible Theology, and the Bible as Literature), is to prepare and qualify people through knowledge and experience of God's Word to become Bible animators in the different pastoral areas and movements.
After more than half a century of assiduous and corporate work, VERBUM BIBLE now presents the first edition of BIBLIA NDINGA YA NZAMBI. It means BIBLE WORD OF GODin the language called “Kikongo ya leta”, one of the four national languages of D.R. Congo, spoken by more than 5 million people.
The Episcopal Commission of the Biblical Pastoral of Angola and Sao Tome - CEAST held from July 1st to 5th, 2019, in Luanda, the National Biblical Week, with the theme: “Youth and the celebrated faith”.
Bishop Célestin-Marie Bawilima Gaoua , bishop of Sokodé, encouraged the youth to use the Lectioyouth.Net program not only to read, but also to hear and live the Word of God in their daily lives.
Greetings from Tanzania. I hope it all goes well at Sankt Ottilien. Thank you for the good news from your office and Christmas greetings. Thank you very much.
On my part, I have the pleasure to communicate to you three things.
Fr. Albert Ngengi Mundele was appointed Director of BICAM-CEBAM on 23rd June 2017 by SECAM Chairman, His Grace Gabriel Mbilingi, Archbishop of Lubango in Angola.
Fr. Albert Ngengi Mundele was appointed Director of BICAM-CEBAM on 23rd June 2017 by SECAM Chairman, His Grace Gabriel Mbilingi, Archbishop of Lubango in Angola.
CBF General Secretary represented the Catholic Biblical Fdederation at the Plenary Assembly of SECAM celebrated in Luanda (Angola) from July 18 to 25, 2016.
CBF General Secretary represented the Catholic Biblical Fdederation at the Plenary Assembly of SECAM celebrated in Luanda (Angola) from July 18 to 25, 2016.
The annual meeting took place11-13 February 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya of the Executive Committee of BICAM which is also the coordinating body of the Africa Region of the Catholic Biblical Federation.
The annual meeting took place11-13 February 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya of the Executive Committee of BICAM which is also the coordinating body of the Africa Region of the Catholic Biblical Federation.