For donations from Germany and othe countires of the European Union plese use the online donation form on the right or PayPal donation button below
Whatever you decide and however big or small your gift is, we thank you for your generosity and your commitment to the work of the Catholic Biblical Federation.
If you are a resident of the United States or Canada, you can make your donation through the website of the Friends of the Catholic Biblical Federation - CBF auxiliary 501(c)3 corporation registered in the USA.
From any part of the world you can sopport the activity of the Catholic Biblical Fedeartion using the CBF PayPal donations system under this address:
If you are considering a gift in excess of 500 dollars, euros or pounds you might want to also consider saving processing and credit card charges and make your donation go even further!
Thank you for helping us to prfoclaim the Word of God. Catholic Biblical FGederation much appreciates your generous support.
1. Make cheque payable to Catholic Biblical Federation and send to:
Catholic Biblical Federation
General Secretariat
Erzabtei 4
86941 Sankt Ottilien
2. Send a bank transfer as follows:
Bank: LIGA Bank eG
Address: Luisenstr 18 – 80333 München, Germany
Beneficiary: Catholic Biblical Federation
Address: Erzabtei 4 - 86941 Sankt Ottilien, Germany
IBAN: DE28 7509 0300 0006 4598 20
Whatever you decide and however big or small your gift is, we thank you for your generosity and your commitment to the work of the Catholic Biblical Federation.