New members of the Catholic Biblical Federation

New members of the Catholic Biblical Federation

The Executive Committee of the CBF, after studying the documentation presented and accepting the positive recommendation of the General Secretary, by electronic vote on 24 June, 2016, admitted to the Catholic Biblical Federation 13 new associate members:

1. Archdiocese of Pelotas (Brazil)

2. Archdiocese of Salta - Archdiocesan Commission for the Biblical Animation of all Pastoral Life (Argentina)

3. Ascension Press (USA)

4. Claretian Missionaries Cameroon (Cameroon)

5. Rajab Theological Community (Argentina)

6. Diocese of Espinal (Colombia)

7. Diocese of Linz - Bibelwerk Linz (Austria)

8. Divine Word Missionaries - Ural Region (Russia/Belorussia)

9. Espacio Bíblico Palabras con Miel (Argentina)

10. Hermanas Pías Discípulas del Divino Maestro Argentina (Argentina)

11. Société Missionnaire de Saint Paul - DR Congo (DR Congo)

12. Society of the Divine Word - AFRAM Zone (Africa and Madagascar)



Tags: Federation CBF SC Members Brazil Argentina USA Cameroon Colombia Austria Russia RD congo Africa Cono Sur Andean Zone North America Central Europe