Most Rev. Józef Roszyński SVD, Bishop of Wewak in Papua New Guinea, visited today the offices of the Catholic Biblical Federation.
. Posted in General Secretariat
Most Rev. Józef Roszyński SVD, Bishop of Wewak in Papua New Guinea, visited today the offices of the Catholic Biblical Federation.
. Posted in General Secretariat
Monsignor Adolfo Miguel Castaño Fonseca, Bishop of Azcapotzalco and Chairman of the Biblical Pastoral Dimension of the Episcopal Commission for Prophetic Pastoral Ministry of the Mexican Bishops' Conference, was our guest at the offices of the CBF General Secretariat in Vatican City.
. Posted in General Secretariat
Newly appointed Cardinal, President of the Episcopal Conference of Japan, Secretary General of the FABC and President of Caritas Internationalis, Archbishop of Tokyo Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi SVD honored us with his visit at the General Secretariat of the CBF.
. Posted in General Secretariat
Newly appointed Cardinal, Mons. Ladislav Nemet SVD, Archbishop of Beograd -Smederevo, (Serbia), honored us with his visit at the General Secretariat of the CBF.
. Posted in General Secretariat
On September 13 Monsignor Joseph Naffah, Auxiliary Bishop of Joubbé, Sarba e Jounieh (Maronite), Lebanon, delegate of the Assemblée des Patriarches et des Évêques Catholiques au Liban to the Catholic Biblical Federation and member of the CBF Executive Committee visited the CBF General Secretariat.
. Posted in General Secretariat
On September 5 Fr. Jean Prosper Agbagnon SVD, Executive Director of the Bureau National de l'apostolat biblique of the Conférence Épiscopale du Togo and recteur de l'Institut de Pédagogie Religieuse Saint Paul de Lomé, visited the General Secretariat of the Catholic Biblical Federation.
Fr Agbagnon came accompanied by Fr Romeo Koffi Yemso SVD from Togo, a student of Biblical Sciences at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.
. Posted in General Secretariat
On August 1st Mons. Dr. Ghazwan Baho from the Réunion Interrituelle des Évêques d’Iraq - Commission de l’Apostolat Biblique visited CBF office in Rome.
. Posted in General Secretariat
The feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, also celebrated as the feast of the Incarnation of the Word, is rich in meaning and has multiple dimensions. Surely, it is a Christological feast. However, its meaning and message is inseparably tied with the Virgin Mary, because Mary of Nazareth is its main protagonist. It is, therefore, the feast of the Virgin Mary as a person who played a unique and essential part in God's work of salvation, carried our by Christ.
. Posted in General Secretariat
Coincidentally on the 55th anniversary of the proclamation of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum and exactly one year before the opening of the 10th Plenary Assembly of the CBF, the General Secretariat of the Catholic Biblical Federation has initiatad a series of virtual meetings under the common name "Toward the 10th Plenary Assembly".
. Posted in General Secretariat
Annual Meeting of the LectioYouth.Net Steering Committee took place in Lomé, Togo, on December 13-17, 2017.
. Posted in General Secretariat
In the days 13-14 November 2107 with the occasion of the CBF Executive Committee meeting in Warsaw, there took place the "Bible and Cultures" Symposium.
. Posted in General Secretariat
On October 3, 2016 the President of CBF, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, the President of the Administrative Board of CBF, Bishop Bernhard Haßlberger, the Treasurer of CBF, Sr. Holger Sichler and the Secretary General of CBF, Rev. Jan Stefanów, S.V.D., were received by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and President of the German Episcopal Conference in his office in Munich.
The first meeting of the CBF-UBS Biblical Translations Forum took place in Antalya, Turkey 7-11 March, 2016.
. Posted in General Secretariat
On Wednesday November 4, 2015 the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation, Jan P. J. Stefanów SVD, was received at the Archbishop's Offices in Munich by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising and President of the German Bishops’ Conference.
The Pontifical Council for the Family, in collaboration with the Catholic Biblical Federation, the Association of US Catholic Publishers and Libreria Editrice Vaticana, organized a meeting with Catholic editors on the theme "The Bible and the Family ". The meeting took place on September 23 in Philadelphia, in the context under the World Meeting of Families held in this city from 22-27 September.