CBF Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is elected by the Plenary Assembly. It is the highest organ in the period between Plenary Assemblies and it is obligated to implement their decisions and to nominate office-holders. Each region is served by at least one representative in the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee consists of:

  • Four ex-officio members: the President of the Federation,  the President of the Administrative Board or another member of the Administrative Board who represents him, the Treasurer, in a non voting capacity, the representative of the Holly See, in a non voting capacity.
  • Seven Full Members elected from each of the following regions: Africa (1) , Asia (1), Europe (1), Latin America and the Caribbean (1), the Middle East (1), North America (1), Oceania (1)
  • Three Associate Members elected by the Plenary Assembly


President of the CBF

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle
Pro-Prefect for the Section for First Evangelisation and the New Particular Churches of the Dicastery for Evangelisation

President of the Administrative Board

Prof. Dr. Thomas Osborne

CBF Treasurer

Patrick Markey, CPA
Phoenix (USA)

Representative of the Holy See

Mons. Juan Usma

Delegate of North America

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Sperry; SC Moderator

Delegate of Africa

Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) - Biblical Centre for Africa and Madagascar (BICAM)
Bishop Lucio Andrice Muandula; SC Vice-Moderator

Delegate of Middle East

Assemblée des Patriarches et des Évêques Catholiques au Liban
Bishop Joseph Naffah

Delegate of Oceania

Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference Bishops Commission for Evangelisation Laity and Ministry
Dr. Rosemary Canavan

Delegate of Asia

Catholic Bible Commission Pakistan
Fr. Emmanuel Asi

Delegate of Latin America

Conferencia Episcopal Argentina - Comisión Episcopal de Catequesis y Pastoral Bíblica
Alicia Inés Farías

Delegate of Europe

Conferința Episcopilor din România
Fr. Eduard Patrascu

Delegate of the Associate Members

Claretian Missionaries
Mr. Jaime Alberto Michea

Delegate of the Associate Members

Grupo Editorial Verbo Divino
Fr. Allancastro Silva Vieira SVD

Delegate of the Associate Members

Paulinas Africa Austral
Sr. Elisabete Corazza FSP