Based on the recommendation of the members of the CBF Central European Subregion expressed through an email vote, the Steering Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation during the online meeting on November 18, 2024 has appointed Father Waldemar Linke CP from Bractwo Słowa Bożego in Poland to the office of CBF Coordinator for the Subregion of Central Europe.
The new, May edition of ‘The God who Speaks’ – an email newsletter created by the God who Speaks Team at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales in partnership with Bible Society – is already online.
The feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, also celebrated as the feast of the Incarnation of the Word, is rich in meaning and has multiple dimensions. Surely, it is a Christological feast. However, its meaning and message is inseparably tied with the Virgin Mary, because Mary of Nazareth is its main protagonist. It is, therefore, the feast of the Virgin Mary as a person who played a unique and essential part in God's work of salvation, carried our by Christ.
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly the reality and future perspectives of the Central European Sub-region was presented in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
A few months before the CBF Plenary Assembly the reality and future perspectives of the Southern and Western European Sub-region were presented in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe and Central European sub-region the of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: ""The Prophecy of the Gospel for the Life of All" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe and Central European sub-region the of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: ""The Prophecy of the Gospel for the Life of All" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
The Congress “Saint Jerome: life, work and reception. Sixteenth Centenary of his death (420 – 2020)” was held recently in the historical building of the University of Salamanca as part of the activities of the Domingo de Soto Professorship.
Accepting the proposal of the Sub-Regional Committee of the Southern & Western European Subregion of the Catholic Biblical Federation, the Executive Committee in its ordinary session held on November 08, named Professor Ernesto Borghi Coordinator of the Southern & Western European Subregion.
Professor Borghi succeeds Sr. Marie-Thérèse Perrot in the Coordination of the Subregion, to whom we thank for her commitment and dedication.
With over 20 participants from different parts of the world and with the presence of the CBF General Secretary the new edition of the Dei Verbum Course was inaugurated today, 4th of September 2019, in Nemi.
A few decades ago, the most recent revision of the Bible is back. A standard translation for German-speaking countries was last made in the 1970s. Since then, this version has been working until September 20, Autumn Plenary Assembly of German Bishops. Because here was the newly revised Bible presented.
Accepting the proposal of the Regional Committee of the Central European Subregion of the Catholic Biblical Federation, the Executive Committee in its ordinary session held in Rome on November 9-11, named Father Eduard Patrascu Coordinator of the Central European Subregion.
Father Patrascu succeeds Mr. Wolfgang Baur in the Coordination of the Subregion, to whom we thank for his commitment and dedication.
On March 3rd, at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, the international scientific colloquium on “Animatio biblica totius actionis pastoralis, Bible – Pastoral – Didactics”, to which scientists from Europe, America, Africa and Asia took part, opened.
The delegates of the member institutions of the Catholic Biblical Federation of the European Western and Central subregion came together in Taragona (Catalunya, Spain), from October 13-16 in the annual meeting of the subregion.
During the weekend 28-30 January 2016, the Scientific Colloquium was held on the theme "Sacramentalité de la Parole" organized by theLuxembourg School of Religion and Society (LSRS).