Vailankanni, Tamil Nadu, 21-23 January 2025. The 22nd National Conference of the CCBI Commission for Bible, held at Vailankanni, Tamil Nadu, brought together 210 participants, including Regional Secretaries, Diocesan Directors, Religious Collaborators, Seminary Professors, Catechists, and Lay Bible Volunteers.
Seit 2016 gibt es in der Pfarrei „Region Echternach St.-Willibrord“ etliche Initiativen in der Bibelpastoral, eine notwendige Dimension einer „Willibrorduskirche“. Das Pastoralteam der Pfarrei, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Katholischen Bibelföderation und dem Centre de formation diocésain, hat Prof. Thomas Söding eingeladen, uns mit seinen Gedanken und Überzeugungen zur Synodalität, zur Bibel und zur Bibelpastoral zu begleiten und herauszufordern.
In the year 2025 the Catholic Church will celebrate an Ordinary Jubilee with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. On this occasion we celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. The Catholic Biblical Federation North America Region joins this celebration by offering a series of webinars with the purpose of continuing to build the Kingdom of God through the study of the Word of God.
En el año 2025 la Iglesia católica celebrará un Jubileo Ordinario con el tema «Peregrinos de esperanza». En esta ocasión celebramos también el sexagésimo aniversario de la clausura del Concilio Vaticano II. La Federación Bíblica Católica Región América del Norte se une a esta celebración ofreciendo una serie de webinars con el propósito de seguir construyendo el Reino de Dios a través del estudio de la Palabra de Dios.
The Claretian biblical teams began on May 1 the formative biblical encounters on the Gospel of Mark. They will be held every month until the beginning of November.
The Mater Dei Pastoral Centre in Mokopane, South Africa hosted a Leadership and Spiritual Development Course for Priests and Religious from April 8-18.
The secretariat of the biblical apostolate of Mali, in collaboration with the diocese of Augsburg in Germany, organized a national Bible camp for Catholic women in Mali from April 05 to 08, 2024 in Bamako.
In this scripture talk, hosted by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain, Fr Adrian Graffy, parish priest and member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, is in conversation with his friends.
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: "How to remain in His Word? Liturgy, Catechesis, Charity from the Bible to Everyone's Life" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Centro de Formación del Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CEBITEPAL) y la Región de Latinoamérica y Caribe de la Federación Bíblica Católica (FEBIC-LAC) ofrecen el curso-taller: "La palabra de Dios fuente de la vida y misión de la Iglesia... Para un mundo frágil".
El Instituto Bíblico Claretiano de las Américas ofrece formación bíblica completamente gratuita mediante clases en línea. El enfoque de los cursos es fomentar el amor a las Sagradas Escrituras y acompañar en la formación de líderes laicos y religiosos.
Nel quadro della vita ecclesiale e sociale di oggi i fondamenti culturali più capaci di delineare delle caratteristiche di vita aperte e liberanti appaiono quelli derivanti da analisi ed interpretazioni serie ed appassionate delle Scritture bibliche. E nella Chiesa di Gesù Cristo catechesi, liturgia e carità sociale risultano dall’antichità le assi portanti della sua azione ed esistenza, sia pure certamente secondo peculiarità specifiche delle diverse confessioni cristiane.
From the 9th to the 13th of December 2022, it was once again a time for pomp and fun-fare for the Arnoldus Junior Youth, as they gathered for the Bible Camp.
The 2nd International Biblical Symposium on the theme "Animação bíblica da inteira pastoral", organised by the Episcopal Commission for Biblical Pastoral Ministry of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé (CEAST), which took place from 16 to 18 September in Luanda, came to an end.
Il primo anno del corso (2021-2022)1 è stato dedicato all’introduzione alla lettura dei testi e valori biblici e dei loro contesti storico-culturali2. Nella logica di un approfondimento teologico, antropologico e storico di quanto variamente trattato, si propone, anche a partire da molti interrogativi posti dai partecipanti al corso, un secondo anno centrato sulla trattazione di alcuni temi fondamentali della fede e cultura cristiane. Ogni argomento sarà sviluppato in relazione alle fonti testuali, all’articolazione storica del loro sviluppo e alle sfide culturali e religiose contemporanee in merito.
In this scripture talk, hosted by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain, Fr Adrian Graffy will offer a detailed exploration of the book of Jonah, and the prophet's encounters with the sailors, with the Ninevites, and with God.
The Chair of the CBA-GB, Dr Sean Ryan, will introduce the event.
NBCLC, Bangalore conducted a “Four Week Course on the Bible” at their campus in Bangalore, from 30th August to 25th September 2021. The objective of the course was to go deeper into the ‘word of God’ and use it for prayer, meditation and to bear witness to Christian life in society.
On Sundays in Ordinary Time throughout 2021 What Good News will be presenting a reading from the Gospel according to Mark. This evangelist created the gospel genre, and was the first to compose a gospel narrative. This presentation demonstrates the skill with which Mark put his gospel together, and considers also how the later gospels of Matthew and Luke adapted what Mark wrote and added to it.
How did belief in the resurrection arise within Judaism in the two centuries before Christ? Earlier texts (Psalm 88 and Job 3) attest the ancient Jewish belief that the dead have a shadowy existence in the underworld, while Ecclesiastes and Sirach have no belief in any meaningful personal afterlife. However, reflection on the persecution of devout Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes (167-164 BC) led to a growing belief in individual resurrection, especially for martyrs. Such a resurrection belief is evident in Daniel 12 and 2 Maccabees 7, as well as Wisdom 3, before it becomes predominant in the New Testament.
El Instituto Bíblico Claretiano de las Américas ofrece formación bíblica completamente gratuita mediante clases en línea. El enfoque de los cursos es fomentar el amor a las Sagradas Escrituras y acompañar en la formación de líderes laicos y religiosos.
The feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, also celebrated as the feast of the Incarnation of the Word, is rich in meaning and has multiple dimensions. Surely, it is a Christological feast. However, its meaning and message is inseparably tied with the Virgin Mary, because Mary of Nazareth is its main protagonist. It is, therefore, the feast of the Virgin Mary as a person who played a unique and essential part in God's work of salvation, carried our by Christ.
The feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, also celebrated as the feast of the Incarnation of the Word, is rich in meaning and has multiple dimensions. Surely, it is a Christological feast. However, its meaning and message is inseparably tied with the Virgin Mary, because Mary of Nazareth is its main protagonist. It is, therefore, the feast of the Virgin Mary as a person who played a unique and essential part in God's work of salvation, carried our by Christ.
Live streamed conference by Professor Nuria Calduch-Benages presenting the new document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission is organized by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain.
The Congress “Saint Jerome: life, work and reception. Sixteenth Centenary of his death (420 – 2020)” was held recently in the historical building of the University of Salamanca as part of the activities of the Domingo de Soto Professorship.
The Congress “Saint Jerome: life, work and reception. Sixteenth Centenary of his death (420 – 2020)” was held recently in the historical building of the University of Salamanca as part of the activities of the Domingo de Soto Professorship.
Office bearers of Pontifical Missionary Society (PMS), Pastoral Coordinators and Family apostolate at the national and Diocese levels in Malawi converged at Nantipwiri Pastoral Centre in the Archdiocese of Blantyre to plan for the Year of Bible as announced by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi.
Since 2018, the Pauline Sisters of Angola have undertaken a systematic biblical formation of lay people, with the course “Bible in Community”, a project based on the Biblical Animation Service - SAB / Brazil. The purpose of the course, on three successive levels (Bible Overview, Bible Theology, and the Bible as Literature), is to prepare and qualify people through knowledge and experience of God's Word to become Bible animators in the different pastoral areas and movements.
Twenty-five years after the release of the document "Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” (1993) Research Seminar on Biblical Interpretation in India took place in Bangalore from 27th to 29th of September 2019.
Twenty-five years after the release of the document "Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” (1993) Research Seminar on Biblical Interpretation in India took place in Bangalore from 27th to 29th of September 2019.
Twenty-five years after the release of the document "Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” (1993) Research Seminar on Biblical Interpretation in India took place in Bangalore from 27th to 29th of September 2019.
With over 20 participants from different parts of the world and with the presence of the CBF General Secretary the new edition of the Dei Verbum Course was inaugurated today, 4th of September 2019, in Nemi.
With over 20 participants from different parts of the world and with the presence of the CBF General Secretary the new edition of the Dei Verbum Course was inaugurated today, 4th of September 2019, in Nemi.
With over 20 participants from different parts of the world and with the presence of the CBF General Secretary the new edition of the Dei Verbum Course was inaugurated today, 4th of September 2019, in Nemi.
Twenty-five years after the release of the document "Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” (1993) Research Seminar on Biblical Interpretation in India will take place in Bangalore from 27th to 29th of September 2019.
Twenty-five years after the release of the document "Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” (1993) Research Seminar on Biblical Interpretation in India will take place in Bangalore from 27th to 29th of September 2019.
Twenty-five years after the release of the document "Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” (1993) Research Seminar on Biblical Interpretation in India will take place in Bangalore from 27th to 29th of September 2019.
From 16 to 19 July this year, the "International Congress of Biblical Studies" was held at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
It was an event that included 427 registered scholars from 23 countries of America and Europe, reflecting a rich plurality of cultures and visions.
Desde el 16 hasta el 19 de julio de este año, en las instalaciones de la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), en Buenos Aires, Argentina, se realizó el "Congreso Internacional de Estudios Bíblicos".
Fue un evento que incluyó a 427 académicos inscritos de 23 países de América y Europa, reflejando una rica pluralidad de culturas y visiones.
The Episcopal Commission of the Biblical Pastoral of Angola and Sao Tome - CEAST held from July 1st to 5th, 2019, in Luanda, the National Biblical Week, with the theme: “Youth and the celebrated faith”.
Greetings from Tanzania. I hope it all goes well at Sankt Ottilien. Thank you for the good news from your office and Christmas greetings. Thank you very much.
On my part, I have the pleasure to communicate to you three things.
On March 3rd, at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, the international scientific colloquium on “Animatio biblica totius actionis pastoralis, Bible – Pastoral – Didactics”, to which scientists from Europe, America, Africa and Asia took part, opened.
On March 3rd, at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, the international scientific colloquium on “Animatio biblica totius actionis pastoralis, Bible – Pastoral – Didactics”, to which scientists from Europe, America, Africa and Asia took part, opened.
On March 3rd, at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, the international scientific colloquium on “Animatio biblica totius actionis pastoralis, Bible – Pastoral – Didactics”, to which scientists from Europe, America, Africa and Asia took part, opened.
On Wednesday June 8, 2016, Bishop Gabriel Malzaire with his clergy, gathered at the Holy Redeemer Retreat House for a three-day ABP Encounter. Some members of the Diocesan ABP Team were also in attendance. With its theme, “I saw you under the fig tree” (John 1:48), the Encounter was facilitated by the husband and wife team, Deacon Mike James and Maria
During the weekend 28-30 January 2016, the Scientific Colloquium was held on the theme "Sacramentalité de la Parole" organized by theLuxembourg School of Religion and Society (LSRS).
During the weekend 28-30 January 2016, the Scientific Colloquium was held on the theme "Sacramentalité de la Parole" organized by theLuxembourg School of Religion and Society (LSRS).
During the weekend 28-30 January 2016, the Scientific Colloquium was held on the theme "Sacramentalité de la Parole" organized by theLuxembourg School of Religion and Society (LSRS).
Seminar on Biblical Apostolate and New Evangelization of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference (FABC) Office of Evangelization - December 5-7, 2013 at the Redemptorist Center, Pattaya City, Chonburi, Thailand
Seminar on Biblical Apostolate and New Evangelization of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference (FABC) Office of Evangelization - December 5-7, 2013 at the Redemptorist Center, Pattaya City, Chonburi, Thailand
Seminar on Biblical Apostolate and New Evangelization of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference (FABC) Office of Evangelization - December 5-7, 2013 at the Redemptorist Center, Pattaya City, Chonburi, Thailand