SVD Argentina Biblical Inspiration of the entire Pastoral Ministry Workshop
Thirty three lay members and SVDs participated in the Formation meeting in the Biblical Inspiration of the entire Pastoral Ministry workshop.
Under the slogan "Rooted in the Word, committed to their mission", thirty three lay members and SVDs gathered at the retreat house in Stella Maris (Entre Ríos), from January 25 to 28 to participate in the Formation Meeting in the Biblical Inspiration of the entire Pastoral Ministry (BIPM) given by the popular biblical scholar Marta Boiocchi.
The new paradigm of the BIPM is challenging and stimulates us to respond creatively so that our lives, communities, spirituality, and pastoral-missionary practices are centered in the Word of God and lead us to a living encounter with Jesus and his Good News of the Kingdom.
Surce: Arnoldus Nota
Tags: Regions Formation Latin America Cono Sur SVD Argentina workshop Biblical Ministry