Biblical Workshop for Teachers: "Teaching Bible in School"
Biblical workshop for teachers will take place in Cioficeni (Bucarest) in Romania from 24 to 28 of November 2022.
The tradition of promoting the Bible and biblical studies is quite recent and rather in its infancy. The Catholic Church, having two rites (Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic) and several languages of cultic expression, and coming after the communist period, in which it was not allowed public manifestations neither at liturgical nor at cultural level, is also at the beginning. It was only in 2013 that the first translation of the Bible into Romanian in line with Catholic sensibilities was achieved. Prior to this, initiatives for biblical formation were sporadic and quite largely conditioned by the absence of an appropriate biblical text.
Since 2014, however, various Bible training courses have started: for lectors, for students, for lay people. It is now imperative to provide specialized and deeply biblical training for teachers who teach religious studies in state schools so that their teaching is biblically and theologically well informed. This is the aim of the current biblical training course: to give the above-mentioned teachers the opportunity to deepen their biblical knowledge, to rediscover the methods of Bible teaching pedagogy and to get to know new tools and bibliographical materials to help them in their work.
The course will cover the fundamental themes of biblical scholarship (historiography, archaeology, geography, biblical hermeneutics and elements of elementary exegesis), as well as ancillary approaches such as literature, pedagogy and ecumenical interpretation.
Fr. Eduard Patrascu
Coordinator of the CBF Central Europe Sub-region
Director of the Department of Biblical Research – Iassy (Romania)
Biblical Workshop for Teachers: "Teaching Bible in School"
When? 24 al 28 de octubre de 2022
Where? Ciofliceni (Bucarest), Romania
Information & Registration:
Pr. Eduard Patraşcu
Tel. 0768767447
E-mail: edipatrascu@yaoo.it
Tags: Announcements Formation Courses Romania