Biblical-Pastoral Course for Ministers of the Word of God: Dei Verbum
The new edition of the Dei Verbum Course is to be organized again at Centro Ad Gentes in Nemi (Italy), in July-August 2023.
This new edition of the Dei Verbum Course isfocusing the invitation of Jesus addressed to the first disciples who came to him from John the Baptist and were enquiring more about him. “Come, and you will see” (John 1:39) resounds to disciples of today who would like to deepen their knowledge of the truth of the Incarnate Word and to learn the skills of its communication to others.
The course is opened for all who are/will be engaged in biblical apostolate ministry (priests, religious, and laity – both men and women). Its specific aim is the formation of ministers of the Word
Conditions for Acceptance:
The basic requirements are:
- good command of English,
- bachelor’s degree or its equivalent,
- basic orientation in theology
- age under 60 years.
Since the course is primarily for the training of leaders in biblical apostolate ministry, the formal recommendation of a bishop / major religious superior / director of a Catholic Church institution who wants to make effective use of the participant’s training for future ministry is required.
Total Cost:
The total fee is € 4.380,- for board and lodging, as well as course expenses. It does not include any personal expenses. Provided funds are available, a limited number of partial scholarships can be granted for those particularly in need.
Biblical-Pastoral Course for Ministers of the Word of God: Dei Verbum
Dates: July 4 - August 31, 2023
Venue: Ad Gentes Center, Nemi (Rome), Italy
Deadline for Registration: All applications must be submitted latest January 31, 2023.
Contact and Info: Fr. Marek Vanus SVD, deiverbumcourse@gmail.com