New Subregional Coordinator for CBF Southern & Western Europe
Accepting the proposal of the Sub-Regional Committee of the Southern & Western European Subregion of the Catholic Biblical Federation, the Executive Committee in its ordinary session held on November 08, named Professor Ernesto Borghi Coordinator of the Southern & Western European Subregion.
Professor Borghi succeeds Sr. Marie-Thérèse Perrot in the Coordination of the Subregion, to whom we thank for her commitment and dedication.
Born in Milan (Italy) in 1964, he is married since 1999 with Maria Teresa and father of Davide (born in 2001) and Michelangelo (born in 2007). Degree in classical letters (Università degli Studi de Milan - 1988), degree in religious sciences (University of Friborg - 1993), doctor of theology (dissertation in exegesis and New Testament theology - University of Friborg - 1996), bachelor in biblical sciences (Pontifical Biblical Commission - 2012). Since 1992 he teaches biblical disciplines (exegesis and New Testament theology) at the university level. since 2017 he has been hired as a visiting professor of Introduction to the Bible at the “Facoltà Teologica del Triveneto” / ISSR “Romano Guardini” in Trento. Since 2003 he has chaired the Associazione Biblica della Svizzera Italiana (www.absi.ch) and he coordinates the biblical training service of the Diocese of Lugano. Among his recent publications: Credere fa essere umani? Dal vangelo secondo Matteo alla fede everydayiana per tutti, Elledici, Torino 2016; (a cura di), MARCO. Nuova traduzione ecumenica commentata, ETS, Milano 2017; Di ’soltanto una Parola. Per leggere la Bibbia nella cultura di oggi, con E.L. Bartolini De Angeli - S. De Vito - R. Petraglio, Effatà, Cantalupa (TO) 20182; (a cura di), LUCA. Nuova traduzione ecumenica commentata, ETS, Milano 2018; (a cura di), MATTEO. Nuova traduzione ecumenica commentata, ETS, Milano 2019.