Based on the recommendation of the members of the CBF Central European Subregion expressed through an email vote, the Steering Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation during the online meeting on November 18, 2024 has appointed Father Waldemar Linke CP from Bractwo Słowa Bożego in Poland to the office of CBF Coordinator for the Subregion of Central Europe.
The Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation in its ordinary meeting on 26 August 2022 via ZOOM has considered the proposal of the Regional Committee of Latin America and the Caribbean presented through the Secretary General of the Federation and has appointed Magister Gerardo García Helder as the new Regional Coordinator of the Latin America and the Caribbean Region for the next triennium 2022-2025.
On August 26th the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation held its regular online meeting with two main items on the agenda: renewal of the structures of coordination in the regions and the report of the General Secretary on his activities and the life of the Federation.
On February 14, 2022, the Vatican announced that His Holiness, Pope Francis, has appointed a former CBF Oceania Coordinator, Fr. Walenty Gryk, SVD, as Bishop of the Diocese of Goroka in Papua New Guinea.
The Executive Committee of the Biblical Federation at it’s last meeting hold in Rome the days 23 and 26 of April 2019, has appointed as the Subregional Coordinator of the CBF South Asia Subregion Fr. Dr. Antony John Baptist from India, elected during the extraordinary Subregional Meeting of the CBF South Asia Subregion hold in Rome during the CBF International Biblical Congress.
The Executive Committee of the Biblical Federation at it’s last meeting hold in Rome the days 23 and 26 of April 2019, has appointed as the Subregional Coordinator of the CBF South Asia Subregion Fr. Dr. Antony John Baptist from India, elected during the extraordinary Subregional Meeting of the CBF South Asia Subregion hold in Rome during the CBF International Biblical Congress.
The Executive Committee of the Biblical Federation at it’s last meeting hold in Rome the days 23 and 26 of April 2019, has appointed as the Subregional Coordinator of the CBF South Asia Subregion Fr. Dr. Antony John Baptist from India, elected during the extraordinary Subregional Meeting of the CBF South Asia Subregion hold in Rome during the CBF International Biblical Congress.
The meeting of the zonal representatives of CBF-SEA took place in Bali, Indonesia, July 3-6, 2018. Participants included Fr. Johannes Subagyo, SDB, the zonal representative for Indonesia and Malaysia, Fr. Joseph Mary Tran, SDB, the zonal representative for Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar, Fr. Arlo Yap, SVD, the zonal representative for the Philippines, along with Dr. Natividad Pagadut, the sub-regional coordinator. Sr. Marianne Gorit, OSB, recording secretary of last year’s meeting in Nha Trang, Vietnam, joined the group and was eventually chosen to be the secretary of the sub-region and to assume responsibility for the website of the CBF-SEA sub-region.
The Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation, in its extraordinary meeting on March 23, 2018 via Skype, has considered the proposal of the Regional Committee of Latin America and the Caribbean, presented through the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation, and has appointed Father Jesús Antonio WeisenseeHetter as the new CBF Regional Coordinator of the Region of Latin America and the Caribbean for the triennium 2018-2021.
The Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation, in its extraordinary meeting on March 23, 2018 via Skype, has considered the proposal of the Regional Committee of Latin America and the Caribbean, presented through the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation, and has appointed Father Jesús Antonio WeisenseeHetter as the new CBF Regional Coordinator of the Region of Latin America and the Caribbean for the triennium 2018-2021.
The Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation, in its extraordinary meeting on March 23, 2018 via Skype, has considered the proposal of the Regional Committee of Latin America and the Caribbean, presented through the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation, and has appointed Father Jesús Antonio WeisenseeHetter as the new CBF Regional Coordinator of the Region of Latin America and the Caribbean for the triennium 2018-2021.
The Executive Committee of the Biblical Federation at it’s last meeting hold in Warsaw the days 10-12 of November 2017, has appointed as the Subregional Coordinator of the CBF South-East Asia Subregion Ms. Dr. Natividad B. Pagadut from Philippines, elected during the last Subregional Meeting of the CBF South-East Asia Subregion hold in Nha Trang, Vietnam the days 17-23 of July 2017. ).