CBF Executive Committee Meeting
On August 26th the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation held its regular online meeting with two main items on the agenda: renewal of the structures of coordination in the regions and the report of the General Secretary on his activities and the life of the Federation.
Region by region the General Secretary presented to the members of the CBF Executive Committee the new composition of the Regional Committees in 5 of the 11 regions of the Federation, where the election process has been completed, as well as the names of the candidates elected or re-elected as Regional Coordinators for appointment by the Executive Committee, in accordance with the Federation's Statutes.
The Regional Coordinators appointed today are:
- Fr. Antony John Baptist - South Asia Sub-Region (re-elected)
- Prof. Ernesto Borghi - South-West Europe Sub-Region (re-elected)
- Mgter. Gerardo García Helder - Latin America and the Caribbean Region (new)
- Dr. Natividad Pagadut - South East Asia Sub-Region (re-elected)
- P. Eduard Patrascu - Central Europe Sub-region (re-elected)
- Mrs. Mary Sperry - North America Region (re-elected)
In the remaining regions the election process has not yet been completed.
The next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation will take place at the end of September.
Tags: Federation CBF SC GenSec Coordinators