The Congress “Saint Jerome: life, work and reception. Sixteenth Centenary of his death (420 – 2020)” was held recently in the historical building of the University of Salamanca as part of the activities of the Domingo de Soto Professorship.
The Congress “Saint Jerome: life, work and reception. Sixteenth Centenary of his death (420 – 2020)” was held recently in the historical building of the University of Salamanca as part of the activities of the Domingo de Soto Professorship.
The Congress “Saint Jerome: life, work and reception. Sixteenth Centenary of his death (420 – 2020)” was held recently in the historical building of the University of Salamanca as part of the activities of the Domingo de Soto Professorship.
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From Catalonia we have just received the sad news of the death of Javier Velasco Arias - "an enthusiast of the Bible" as he used to present himself.
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From Catalonia we have just received the sad news of the death of Javier Velasco Arias - "an enthusiast of the Bible" as he used to present himself.
The delegates of the member institutions of the Catholic Biblical Federation of the European Western and Central subregion came together in Taragona (Catalunya, Spain), from October 13-16 in the annual meeting of the subregion.
The delegates of the member institutions of the Catholic Biblical Federation of the European Western and Central subregion came together in Taragona (Catalunya, Spain), from October 13-16 in the annual meeting of the subregion.