Seit 2016 gibt es in der Pfarrei „Region Echternach St.-Willibrord“ etliche Initiativen in der Bibelpastoral, eine notwendige Dimension einer „Willibrorduskirche“. Das Pastoralteam der Pfarrei, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Katholischen Bibelföderation und dem Centre de formation diocésain, hat Prof. Thomas Söding eingeladen, uns mit seinen Gedanken und Überzeugungen zur Synodalität, zur Bibel und zur Bibelpastoral zu begleiten und herauszufordern.
Seit 2016 gibt es in der Pfarrei „Region Echternach St.-Willibrord“ etliche Initiativen in der Bibelpastoral, eine notwendige Dimension einer „Willibrorduskirche“. Das Pastoralteam der Pfarrei, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Katholischen Bibelföderation und dem Centre de formation diocésain, hat Prof. Thomas Söding eingeladen, uns mit seinen Gedanken und Überzeugungen zur Synodalität, zur Bibel und zur Bibelpastoral zu begleiten und herauszufordern.
On March 3rd, at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, the international scientific colloquium on “Animatio biblica totius actionis pastoralis, Bible – Pastoral – Didactics”, to which scientists from Europe, America, Africa and Asia took part, opened.
On March 3rd, at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, the international scientific colloquium on “Animatio biblica totius actionis pastoralis, Bible – Pastoral – Didactics”, to which scientists from Europe, America, Africa and Asia took part, opened.
On March 3rd, at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, the international scientific colloquium on “Animatio biblica totius actionis pastoralis, Bible – Pastoral – Didactics”, to which scientists from Europe, America, Africa and Asia took part, opened.
During the weekend 28-30 January 2016, the Scientific Colloquium was held on the theme "Sacramentalité de la Parole" organized by theLuxembourg School of Religion and Society (LSRS).
During the weekend 28-30 January 2016, the Scientific Colloquium was held on the theme "Sacramentalité de la Parole" organized by theLuxembourg School of Religion and Society (LSRS).
During the weekend 28-30 January 2016, the Scientific Colloquium was held on the theme "Sacramentalité de la Parole" organized by theLuxembourg School of Religion and Society (LSRS).