Monsignor Adolfo Miguel Castaño Fonseca, Bishop of Azcapotzalco and Chairman of the Biblical Pastoral Dimension of the Episcopal Commission for Prophetic Pastoral Ministry of the Mexican Bishops' Conference, was our guest at the offices of the CBF General Secretariat in Vatican City.
Centro de Formación del Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CEBITEPAL) y la Región de Latinoamérica y Caribe de la Federación Bíblica Católica (FEBIC-LAC) ofrecen el curso-taller: "La palabra de Dios fuente de la vida y misión de la Iglesia... Para un mundo frágil".
The Continental Gathering of Pastoral Biblical Animation(ABP) took place from August 12 through 14 in Quito, Ecuador, with the launching of theGuiding Principles of Pastoral Biblical Animation for Latin America and the Caribbeanand the approval of the “Road Map” for the implementation of ABP throughout the continent for the years 2016-2019.