Continental Gathering of Pastoral Biblical Animation in Quito, Ecuador
The Continental Gathering of Pastoral Biblical Animation(ABP) took place from August 12 through 14 in Quito, Ecuador, with the launching of theGuiding Principles of Pastoral Biblical Animation for Latin America and the Caribbeanand the approval of the “Road Map” for the implementation of ABP throughout the continent for the years 2016-2019.
The biblical theme of the Gathering was “The Missionary Disciples Return Filled with Joy” (Lk 10:17). The 84 participants in the Gathering included 15 bishops, 30 priests and religious and 40 lay representatives of institutions throughout the continent, committed to the spreading of love for the Word of God through the bible. In their final message their reflections focused on the gospel message that “In many ways in the past God has spoken to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days He has spoken to us through His Son” (Heb 1:1-2). “The Word of God enlightens every human being to understand the mystery of redemption and salvation: Jesus Christ, who through his words and actions, reveals that God is a merciful Father who brings us from death to life and who makes us his children, brothers and sisters with each other. Biblical animators are witnesses of this merciful God of the bible and of the prophets who played a role in the history of their people, to orient and transform themselves and others in accordance with the Word of God.”
Tags: Regions Latin America CELAM Meetings Ecuador