New members of the Catholic Biblical Federation
The Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation, in its two consecutive meetings, on April 30 and May 21, 2020, admitted to the Catholic Biblical Federation 3 new associate members.
The new associate members of the Catholic Biblical Federation are:
- Instituto Bíblico Pastoral Latinoamericano - UNIMINUTO (Colombia)
- Instituto Bíblico Católico de Hermosillo (México)
- Centro de Estudios Filosóficos y Teológicos (CEFyT) de Córdoba (Argentina)
With these new incorporations, the Catholic Biblical Federation has 340 affiliated institutions from 126 countries of the world: 98 Episcopal Conferences as full Members and 242 other institutions as Associate Members.
Tags: Federation CBF SC Members Latin America Andean Zone Central America Cono Sur Colombia Argentina Mexico