+ Holger Sichler
We are very sorry to inform you that our long-time collaborator and colleague, Mr Holger Sichler, passed away unexpectedly on 18.10.2022.
Holger Sichler was born on 06.11.1960 near Kempten, in southern Germany. He grew up in a Christian family with two brothers. Numbers were his life! So it was obvious that after his school career and his training period, he developed professionally in the field of business and administration.
Since 2014, Holger Sichler was head of finance and accounting at the Metropolitan and Parish Church Foundation of Our Lady in Munich and the Munich Metropolitan Chapter. Likewise, since that year, he invested much of his energy and time in the work for the Catholic Biblical Federation. He was treasurer of the Federation and a member of the Executive Committee.
Holger Sichler was a highly valued and responsible colleague. For many of us he became a good friend. His joy and enthusiasm to work for a worldwide network of the Catholic Church was palpable. We could always count on him. We were able to experience him in his loving and often humorous way.
Grateful for the time we were able to spend with him, we will not forget him and will keep him in good memory.
The Requiem will take place on Monday, 07.11.2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral Zu Unserer Lieben Frau, Munich.
The urn burial of Mr Holger Sichler will take place on Tuesday, 08.11.2022 at 2:30 p.m. in the Protestant cemetery "Unter der Burghalde" in Kempten (Bayern).
We regret his early death and join in the prayers for his eternal rest.