Annual meeting of the Administrative Board of the Catholic Biblical Federation with the representatives of donor agencies
The annual meeting of the Administrative Board and the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation with representatives of the German Donor Agencies (Hilfswerke), which financially support the projects of the General Secretariat and of members of the Catholic Biblical Federation, took place 12 April, 2016 in Munich at the headquarters of Missio München.
The annual report and financial report presented by Fr. Jan J. Stefanów SVD, the General Secretary of the CBF, received warm welcome and approval as were the current year and long term projects.
Possible ways of cooperation between the CBF and the Agencies were also addressed. Given the continued decline in agency revenues, these are being constrained to rethink their objectives and priorities. It was agreed to establish a transition period of three years in the structure of financing of the operations of the General Secretariat of the CBF to move from a grantsystem to a project system. Financing of projects from members will continue unchanged.
Tags: Federation CBF AB GenSec Fundraising Funding Agencies Meetings Germany Projects