Seit 2016 gibt es in der Pfarrei „Region Echternach St.-Willibrord“ etliche Initiativen in der Bibelpastoral, eine notwendige Dimension einer „Willibrorduskirche“. Das Pastoralteam der Pfarrei, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Katholischen Bibelföderation und dem Centre de formation diocésain, hat Prof. Thomas Söding eingeladen, uns mit seinen Gedanken und Überzeugungen zur Synodalität, zur Bibel und zur Bibelpastoral zu begleiten und herauszufordern.
Seit 2016 gibt es in der Pfarrei „Region Echternach St.-Willibrord“ etliche Initiativen in der Bibelpastoral, eine notwendige Dimension einer „Willibrorduskirche“. Das Pastoralteam der Pfarrei, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Katholischen Bibelföderation und dem Centre de formation diocésain, hat Prof. Thomas Söding eingeladen, uns mit seinen Gedanken und Überzeugungen zur Synodalität, zur Bibel und zur Bibelpastoral zu begleiten und herauszufordern.
In the year 2025 the Catholic Church will celebrate an Ordinary Jubilee with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. On this occasion we celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. The Catholic Biblical Federation North America Region joins this celebration by offering a series of webinars with the purpose of continuing to build the Kingdom of God through the study of the Word of God.
En el año 2025 la Iglesia católica celebrará un Jubileo Ordinario con el tema «Peregrinos de esperanza». En esta ocasión celebramos también el sexagésimo aniversario de la clausura del Concilio Vaticano II. La Federación Bíblica Católica Región América del Norte se une a esta celebración ofreciendo una serie de webinars con el propósito de seguir construyendo el Reino de Dios a través del estudio de la Palabra de Dios.
In this scripture talk, hosted by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain, Fr Adrian Graffy, parish priest and member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, is in conversation with his friends.
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: "How to remain in His Word? Liturgy, Catechesis, Charity from the Bible to Everyone's Life" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Centro de Formación del Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CEBITEPAL) y la Región de Latinoamérica y Caribe de la Federación Bíblica Católica (FEBIC-LAC) ofrecen el curso-taller: "La palabra de Dios fuente de la vida y misión de la Iglesia... Para un mundo frágil".
El Instituto Bíblico Claretiano de las Américas ofrece formación bíblica completamente gratuita mediante clases en línea. El enfoque de los cursos es fomentar el amor a las Sagradas Escrituras y acompañar en la formación de líderes laicos y religiosos.
Nel quadro della vita ecclesiale e sociale di oggi i fondamenti culturali più capaci di delineare delle caratteristiche di vita aperte e liberanti appaiono quelli derivanti da analisi ed interpretazioni serie ed appassionate delle Scritture bibliche. E nella Chiesa di Gesù Cristo catechesi, liturgia e carità sociale risultano dall’antichità le assi portanti della sua azione ed esistenza, sia pure certamente secondo peculiarità specifiche delle diverse confessioni cristiane.
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe and Central European sub-region the of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: "Teaching, preaching, healing for the Life of All" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Il primo anno del corso (2021-2022)1 è stato dedicato all’introduzione alla lettura dei testi e valori biblici e dei loro contesti storico-culturali2. Nella logica di un approfondimento teologico, antropologico e storico di quanto variamente trattato, si propone, anche a partire da molti interrogativi posti dai partecipanti al corso, un secondo anno centrato sulla trattazione di alcuni temi fondamentali della fede e cultura cristiane. Ogni argomento sarà sviluppato in relazione alle fonti testuali, all’articolazione storica del loro sviluppo e alle sfide culturali e religiose contemporanee in merito.
In this scripture talk, hosted by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain, Fr Adrian Graffy will offer a detailed exploration of the book of Jonah, and the prophet's encounters with the sailors, with the Ninevites, and with God.
The Chair of the CBA-GB, Dr Sean Ryan, will introduce the event.
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: ""Listening to Words of Life to live as Human Beings".
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the North-East Asia Region in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly the reality and future perspectives of the North America Region was presented in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the North America Region in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the South-East Asia Subregion in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
On Sundays in Ordinary Time throughout 2021 What Good News will be presenting a reading from the Gospel according to Mark. This evangelist created the gospel genre, and was the first to compose a gospel narrative. This presentation demonstrates the skill with which Mark put his gospel together, and considers also how the later gospels of Matthew and Luke adapted what Mark wrote and added to it.
In Vorbereitung auf die KBF-Vollversammlung werfen wir einen Blick auf die KBF-Subregion Südasien. Vertreter einiger Mitgliedsorganisationen stellen in ihren Beiträgen sowohl die jetzige Situation sowie die Zukunftsperspektiven der Subregion vor.
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the South Asia Subregion in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
How did belief in the resurrection arise within Judaism in the two centuries before Christ? Earlier texts (Psalm 88 and Job 3) attest the ancient Jewish belief that the dead have a shadowy existence in the underworld, while Ecclesiastes and Sirach have no belief in any meaningful personal afterlife. However, reflection on the persecution of devout Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes (167-164 BC) led to a growing belief in individual resurrection, especially for martyrs. Such a resurrection belief is evident in Daniel 12 and 2 Maccabees 7, as well as Wisdom 3, before it becomes predominant in the New Testament.
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the Middle East Region in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
El Instituto Bíblico Claretiano de las Américas ofrece formación bíblica completamente gratuita mediante clases en línea. El enfoque de los cursos es fomentar el amor a las Sagradas Escrituras y acompañar en la formación de líderes laicos y religiosos.
Desde Editorial Verbo Divino se invita a participar en la charla-coloquio el lunes 19 de abril, de 19,00 a 20,30 hs. sobre el libro: De Jerusalén a Roma. La marginalidad del cristianismo de los orígenes, de Rafael Aguirre (Ed.).
Das Fest der Verkündigung des Herrn, das auch als das Fest der Menschwerdung des Wortes gefeiert wird, ist reich an Bedeutung und hat mehrere Dimensionen. Sicherlich ist es ein christologisches Fest. Seine Bedeutung und Botschaft ist jedoch untrennbar mit der Jungfrau Maria verbunden, denn Maria von Nazareth ist seine Hauptprotagonistin. Es ist also das Fest der Jungfrau Maria als einer Person, die eine einzigartige und wesentliche Rolle in Gottes Heilsplan gespielt hat, der von Christus vollzogen wurde.
La fête de l’Annonciation du Seigneur, célébrée aussi comme étant la fête de l’Incarnation de la Parole, est riche en sens et est multidimensionnelle. Évidement c’est une fête christologique mais son message et son sens restent intrinsèquement liés à la Vierge Marie, parce que Marie de Nazareth en est le protagoniste majeur. C’est donc la fête de la Vierge Marie, cette personne qui a joué l’essentiel et l'unique rôle dans l’œuvre salvatrice de Dieu, réalisée par le Christ.
The feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, also celebrated as the feast of the Incarnation of the Word, is rich in meaning and has multiple dimensions. Surely, it is a Christological feast. However, its meaning and message is inseparably tied with the Virgin Mary, because Mary of Nazareth is its main protagonist. It is, therefore, the feast of the Virgin Mary as a person who played a unique and essential part in God's work of salvation, carried our by Christ.
Live streamed conference by Professor Nuria Calduch-Benages presenting the new document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission is organized by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain.
On the way towards the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the Central European Sub-region in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
In Vorbereitung auf die KBF-Vollversammlung nehmen wir die mitteleuropäischen KBF-Subregion in den Blick. Vertreter einiger Mitgliedsorganisationen stellen in ihren Beiträgen sowohl die jetzige Situation sowie die Zukunftsperspektiven der Subregion vor.
En route vers la 10e Assemblée générale plénière de la FBC, nous présentons la vie actuelle et les perspectives d'avenir de la sous-région de l'Europe centrale dans les interventions de quelques représentants des institutions qui la composent.
In Vorbereitung auf die KBF-Vollversammlung nehmen wir die süd- und westeuropäischen KBF-Subregion in den Blick. Vertreter einiger Mitgliedsorganisationen stellen in ihren Beiträgen sowohl die jetzige Situation sowie die Zukunftsperspektiven der Subregion vor.
A few months before the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the Southern and Western European Sub-region in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
The Middle East Biblical Association is organising its XVII Biblical Conference “Have no fear, little flock” (Lk 12,32) - The Gospel according to Luke.
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe and Central European sub-region the of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: ""The Prophecy of the Gospel for the Life of All" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe and Central European sub-region the of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: ""The Prophecy of the Gospel for the Life of All" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Sous-région de l'Europe du Sud et de l'Ouest et sous-région de l'Europe centrale : la Fédération Biblique Catholique organisée une téléconférence sur le sujet : " La prophétie de l'Évangile pour la vie de tout le monde " - Vers le dimanche de la Parole de Dieu.
Ayant commencé la nouvelle année, nous commençons aussi notre tournée dans divers régions de la Fédération Biblique Catholique. Sur notre route initiale vers la 10e Assemblée Plénière, nous nous arrêterons, ce mois-ci, dans la région d'Afrique.
Having entered the New Year 2021, it is time to begin a tour of the various regions of the Catholic Biblical Federation on our journey towards the 10th Plenary Assembly. This month we will visit the Region of Africa.
The South-East Asia Region of the Catholic Biblical Federation will sponsor a teleconference on the topic: "The Church, the Word of God and the World in a Pandemic Crisis: Coping with the Crisis in the Light of Scriptures and Envisioning a New Normal in the Aftermath". The keynote speaker will be His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle.
The South-East Asia Region of the Catholic Biblical Federation will sponsor a teleconference on the topic: "The Church, the Word of God and the World in a Pandemic Crisis: Coping with the Crisis in the Light of Scriptures and Envisioning a New Normal in the Aftermath". The keynote speaker will be His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle.
The South-East Asia Region of the Catholic Biblical Federation will sponsor a teleconference on the topic: "The Church, the Word of God and the World in a Pandemic Crisis: Coping with the Crisis in the Light of Scriptures and Envisioning a New Normal in the Aftermath". The keynote speaker will be His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle.
El Congreso Bíblico-Teológico de UNICATÓLICA, que se desarrollará en modalidad virtual entre el 28 de septiembre y 04 de octubre 2020, es promovido y organizado por los programas de Teología y la Especialización en Educación y Sagrada Escritura de la Facultad de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades desde el año 2011 y en esta ocasión se suma como co-organizadora, la Universidad Católica de Manizales.
El Congreso Bíblico-Teológico de UNICATÓLICA, que se desarrollará en modalidad virtual entre el 28 de septiembre y 04 de octubre 2020, es promovido y organizado por los programas de Teología y la Especialización en Educación y Sagrada Escritura de la Facultad de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades desde el año 2011 y en esta ocasión se suma como co-organizadora, la Universidad Católica de Manizales.
El Congreso Bíblico-Teológico de UNICATÓLICA, que se desarrollará en modalidad virtual entre el 28 de septiembre y 04 de octubre 2020, es promovido y organizado por los programas de Teología y la Especialización en Educación y Sagrada Escritura de la Facultad de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades desde el año 2011 y en esta ocasión se suma como co-organizadora, la Universidad Católica de Manizales.
Con motivo del quinto aniversario de su fundación, el Centro Bíblico Pastoral María de Magdala de Colombia, ha organizando el 1er Congreso Virtual Internacional cuyo tema central es: "... lo que más me aterraba me acontece" (Job 3,25b): reflexiones, desde el libro de Job, sobre la pandemia que desestabilizó el mundo
Con motivo del quinto aniversario de su fundación, el Centro Bíblico Pastoral María de Magdala de Colombia, ha organizando el 1er Congreso Virtual Internacional cuyo tema central es: "... lo que más me aterraba me acontece" (Job 3,25b): reflexiones, desde el libro de Job, sobre la pandemia que desestabilizó el mundo
Con motivo del quinto aniversario de su fundación, el Centro Bíblico Pastoral María de Magdala de Colombia, ha organizando el 1er Congreso Virtual Internacional cuyo tema central es: "... lo que más me aterraba me acontece" (Job 3,25b): reflexiones, desde el libro de Job, sobre la pandemia que desestabilizó el mundo