The Christmas Gospels
Video conferences by Fr Adrian Graffy from the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest at Gidea Park.
In the days before Christmas and for several days afterwards we read from the ‘infancy narratives’ in Mathew chapters 1-2 and Luke chapters 1-2. At the ‘day Mass’ on Christmas Day John chapter 1 is read. This presentation, in three parts, takes us through these gospel readings in ‘liturgical order’ in such a way as to enhance our celebration of the Liturgy of the Word at Christmas, and to derive from the Christmas gospels profound insights into the person and mission of Christ the Saviour.
Fr Adrian Graffy is parish priest of Gidea Park in the diocese of Brentwood, England. He received his doctorate from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and taught Scripture for many years. He is now a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, and delegate to the world-wide Catholic Biblical Federation. His ‘Sunday Gospels’ have recently been published by Darton, Longman and Todd. Fr Adrian is director of ‘What Good News’
The Christmas Gospels - Fr Adrian Graffy
Since Thursday 17th December 2020
Online talks from the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest at Gidea Park.
Videos of the three parts of the talk (Mt 1 and Lk 1; Lk 2 and Mt 2; Jn 1) can be accessed by going to the home page of www.whatgoodnews.org
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