Towards the CBF 10th Plenary Assembly: Catholic Biblical Federation in Southern & Western Europe
A few months before the CBF Plenary Assembly we would like to present the reality and future perspectives of the Southern and Western European Sub-region in the interventions of some representatives of the institutions that compose it.
All of them are committed to witnessing a focus on biblical formation and biblical animation of pastoral care in an area of the world with a great Christian tradition, which has growing difficulties and opportunities to be built up in order to make the whole ecclesial pastoral care more and more biblical.
The Encounter will take place on February 17th, 2021 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM CET (Rome). It will be hosted by the General Secretariat of the Catholic Biblical Federation in cooperation with the Friends of the CBF.
Towards the CBF 10th Plenary Assembly
Organized by: CBF General Secretariat
Topic: Catholic Biblical Federation in Southern & Western Europe
Date: February 17th, 2021
Time: 6:00 to 7:30 PM CET (Rome)
Language: English, French, Italian, Spanish
Live streaming:
CBF Subregional Coordinator
Prof. Ernesto Borghi
ABSI president, professor of Holy Scripture (ISSR Trento - PFTIM Naples/Saint Thomas Section),
Coordinator of Biblical Formation (Diocese of Lugano)
Fr. Marcel Durrer
Biblical scholar, former teacher and supervisor of pastoral agents in French-speaking Switzerland
Associació Bíblica de Catalunya
Sra. Esperança Amill Rocamora
Psychopedagogist and graduate in Sciences of Religion,
Vice-president of Associació Bíblica de Catalunya,
Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas Sant Fructuós in Tarragona,
Director of the Secretariat per a l'animació Bíblica of the Archdiocese of Tarragona
Associazione Biblica Italiana/Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
Prof. don Santi Grasso
Professor of Sacred Scripture,
Associazione Biblica Italiana/Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
Conférence des Evêques de France / Service Biblique Évangile et Vie
Sr. Marie-Thérèse Perrot
Conférence des Evêques de France / Service Biblique Évangile et Vie
Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
Fr. Adrian Graffy
Member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission
Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
(United Kingdom)
Association Biblique Catholique, Suisse romande
Prof. Abbé François-Xavier Amherdt
Professor of Pastoral Theology (University of Fribourg)
Association Biblique Catholique, Suisse romande
Dott.ssa Amal HAZEEN