Auf dem Weg zur 10. Vollversammlung der KBF: Katholische Bibelföderation in Südasien
In Vorbereitung auf die KBF-Vollversammlung werfen wir einen Blick auf die KBF-Subregion Südasien. Vertreter einiger Mitgliedsorganisationen stellen in ihren Beiträgen sowohl die jetzige Situation sowie die Zukunftsperspektiven der Subregion vor.
Sie alle stehen für die biblische Ausrichtung und Beseelung der pastoralen Arbeit. Europa, mit seinen tiefen christlichen Wurzeln, hat sowohl wachsende Schwierigkeiten wie auch neue Chancen, die kirchliche Seelsorge zunehmend biblisch zu durchformen.
Das online Gesprächsforum findet am 18. Juni 2021 4:00 PM Mumbai Zeit (12:30 Rom) statt in Trägerschaft des KBF-Generalsekretariates in Zusammenarbeit mit den Friends of the CBF.
Auf dem Weg zur 10. Vollversammlung der KBF
Organisiert von: KBF-Generalsekretariat
Thema: Katholische Bibelföderation in Südasien
Termin: 18. Juni 2021
Time: 4:00 PM Mumbai Zeit (12:30 Rom)
Sprachen: Englisch
Live streaming:
Rev. Fr. Antony John Baptist
Coordinator CBF South Asia
Director, NBCLC (National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre), Bengaluru, India
Rev. Dr. A. John Baptist, formerly Executive Secretary of the CCBI (Conference of Catholic Bishops of India) Commission for Bible (Bengaluru, India) is a catholic priest of the Diocese of Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. He has masters in History, Education and Sacred Scripture and holds Doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Department of Christian Studies, Madras University, India. He earned Licentiate at Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome. He has served as the professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart College, Chennai and Vice Rector of same College. He was also General Secretary of the TNBC (Tamilnadu Bishops’ Council) Commission for Bible. He teaches as Guest Faculty at various theological colleges. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the international theological journal “Concilium”. He has published books and articles in Tamil and English. Now he serves as the Director of NBCLC (National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Center), Bangalore.
KBF-Exekutivkomiteemitglied - Delegierter aus Südasien
Rev. Fr. Sagaya John
Member of the CBF Executive Committee
Previous Director of National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre (NBCLC) served for the Six and a half years.
Done Master in Pastoral Catechetics at l’Institut Catholique de Paris and Doctorate in Pastoral & Cross-Cultural Perspective at CTU, Chicago. Now the Secretary of St. Joseph B.Ed. and Arts & Science Colleges, Palayamkottai Diocese, Tamilnadu, India.
Most Rev. Antonysamy Peter Abir
Bishop of Sultanpet & Administrator, Archdiocese of Pondicherry-Cuddalore
Chairman CCBI Commission for Bible
Bishop Antonysamy Peter Abir was born on 07 April 1952, in Sathipattu, Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore, India. He was ordained a priest on 1st May 1979 for the Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore. He obtained a Master’s degree in Biblical Theology at St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bangalore; licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Biblicum, Rome and obtained the Doctorate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Gregorian University (1993 -1995). He was Coordinator for South Asia of the Catholic Biblical Federation (2002-2008). Published several books and articles on Sacred Scripture. Teaches in various theological colleges and conducts series of Bible classes in the TV channel.
Presently he is bishop of Sultanpet & Apostolic Administrator, Archdiocese of Pondicherry-Cuddalore and Chairman, CCBI Commission for Bible.
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Asi
Executive Secretary of Catholic Bible Commission Pakistan (CBCP)
Fr. Emmanuel Asi born (June 1949) and Ordained (April 1974) as Diocesan Priest for the Archdiocese of Lahore, Pakistan. He studied Sacred Scriptures at Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome in 1977-1981.
Since the establishment of Catholic Bible Commission Pakistan (CBCP) in 2002 he has been serving as Executive Secretary of CBCP.
Sri Lanka
Rev. Fr. Alvin Fernando
Bible Study Resource Centre of Kandy - Associate Member
Mitglied des Exekutivkomitees der KBF
A priest for the Diocese of Kandy, Sri Lanka, ordained in 1997. He holds a Licentiate in Sacred Scriptures from the Biblicum, Rome besides BPh (Rome) and Higher Diploma in English (Sri Lanka).
At present Member of the Executive Committee of CBF, Professor of Scriptures at the National Major Seminary of Sri Lanka (Ampitiya), Protestant Theologate (Pilimathalawa), Sister Formation at Aquinas College (Colombo), Guest Professor at Jaffna and Kelaniya Universities and Parish Priest of St. Mary's, Ampitiya.
Conducts various biblical conferences and seminars and is a retreat preacher.
(Sri Lanka)
Rev. Fr. Victor Sagayam, Zackarias, SVD
Steyler Missionare (SVD)
Direktor, Ishvani Kendra, Pune, Indien
- Director, Ishvani Kendra – An Institute of Missiology and Communications, Pune.
- Lecturer, Jnana Deepa, Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune.
- MTh Coordinator for Missiology, Jnana Deepa, Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune.
- Visiting Lecturer at Khristo Jyoti Mohavidyaloyo (Theologate), Sason, Orissa.
Academic Qualification:
- MA in Human Rights and Duties Education, University of Madras, Tamil Nadu.
- PhD in Missiology, Gregorian University, Rome.
Dott.ssa Amal HAZEEN
Auf dem Weg zur 10. Vollversammlung der KBF
Tags: Announcements KBF Begegnung KBF PA 2021 Regionen Süd-Asien