Regional Meeting FEBIC-LAC
The delegates of the member institutions of the Catholic Biblical Federation from the Latin America and Caribbean Region have met in an online meeting via Zoom on November 26, 2022.
The meeting was organized by the FEBIC-LAC Regional Committee to present the particulars regarding the participation of the delegates and the contribution of the Region to the 10th Plenary Assembly of the CBF, which will take place from April 15-21, 2023, in Mar del Plata (Argentina), and to discuss other matters related to the life of the Region. The meeting was chaired by the CBF-LAC Regional Coordinator, Mgr. Gerardo Garcia Helder, and was attended by the CBF General Secretary, Fr. Jan J. Stefanów SVD, and the 4 Zonal Coordinators. During the meeting there was also time for sharing in smaller groups, corresponding to the 4 Zones of the CBF-LAC Region: Southern Cone, Andean Zone, Central America and the Caribbean.
Tags: Regions Latin America Meetings Plenary Assembly Caribbean Central America Andean Zone Cono Sur