CBF Cono Sur Zone has a new Zonal Coordinator
Father Jackson Câmara Silva, INJ was appointed as the new Zonal Coordinator of the CBF Southern Cone Zone. Father Jackson succeeds Mr. Jaime Michea who served as zonal coordinator for the past two years.
Father Jackson Câmara Silva, INJ holds a Master's degree in Systematic Theology from the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology (2019), having developed the research: "GOD VISITS HIS PEOPLE" (Lk 7:16c): Love and mercy in the Gospel according to Luke. He participated in the II Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Biblical Animation of Pastoral Ministry in Quito (Ecuador) in 2016. He participates in the research group "The Bible in Christian reading" (FAJE). He collaborates with the LECTIONAUTAS project of the CNBB. He is currently novice master at the Religious Institute of New Jerusalem, of which he is a member, and vicar of Christ the Redeemer Parish in Fortaleza-CE, Brazil.
Tags: Regions Latin America Cono Sur Brazil