Celebration of Sunday of the Word God and National Bible Month in the Philippine Zone
The Bible Animators in the Philippines came together via Zoom Platform last January 23 to celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God. His Excellency Most Rev. Renato Mayugba, Chairman of the Episcopal Commission on the Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) presided the Holy Mass together with some Biblical Apostolate Directors and Bible Animators nationwide.
Most Rev. Renato Mayugba (ECBA Chairman) presiding in the Mass for the Sunday of the Word of God.
Before the Holy Mass, there was a blessing of Bibles and afterwards, a simultaneous Bible Enthronement in the homes of all those present in the celebration. This Bible Enthronement was concluded with a Prayer of Families.
Moreover, ECBA created an extra-liturgical guide for Bible Enthronement for family homes and for workplaces, and for use in their Biblical activities. Included is a guide for the Offertory of the Word of God that can be done before the Liturgy of the Word in the Holy Mass.
Bible Enthronement at St. Clement Parish, Angono, Rizal
After the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God, the Philippines celebrated the National Bible Week ending with National Bible Sunday as declared by the Philippine government. Since this is a national celebration, the Roman Catholic Church, together with other Christian Churches, in the spirit of ecumenism celebrated together a 3-day event called the Bible Fest with the theme, "God's Love Heals a Suffering World."
Most Rev. PabloVirgilio David (President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines) giving a talk on "Embracing the Culture of Life" and some of the participants from different Christian Churches from all over the Philippines in Celebration of Bible Fest 2022.
There were many other initiatives for various Biblical activities in the parishes and dioceses all throughout the month of January as National Bible Month. Most of these activities were held online via various social media and conferencing platforms. Some of these activities were Bible Enthronements, Bible Quizzes, Continuous reading of the Sacred Scriptures, Recollections, and Webinars.
Fr. Arlo Bernardo Yap, SVD
CBCP-ECBA Executive Secretary and Coordinator for CBF Philippine Zone
Tags: Regions Asia South-East Asia Philippines Bible Month Sunday of the Word of God Biblical Ministry