CBF Subregional Meeting held at Mumbai
From Monday 1st until Thursday 4th of December in the Jesuits’ Vinayalaya Retreat House took place the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ Convocation.
This Convocation had the double character of a Biblical Conference in the mornings and the CBF Sub regional Meeting in the afternoons.
The conferences were:
1. "The Bible and the (New) Evangelisation" – Fr. Jan Stefanów SVD
2. "Pastoral Implications of Evangelii Gaudium" – Fr. Fiorello Mascarenhas SJ
3. "The Disciple-Making Mission of Mt 28:18b-20" - Fr. Alvin Peter Fernando
The main points of the Agenda of Subregional Meeting were:
1. The report of the CBF General Secretary.
2. Short reports of the CBF Members.
3. Creation of the CBF Subregional Executive Committee.
4. Coordination, structure and finances of the Sub region.
5. Plenary Assembly of the CBF (Nemi, 18-23 of June 2015)
6. 50th Anniversary of Dei Verbum