CBF X Plenary Assembly
In a resounding testament to resilience and dedication, one hundred and forty-one delegates from seven regions and fifty-three countries convened for the 10th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation in Mar del Plata, Argentina. The week-long gathering, held from April 15 to 21, 2023, saw representatives addressing the profound challenges facing biblical pastoral ministry in the fragile landscape of the third decade of the twenty-first century.
The Assembly began with the Opening Eucharist at the Catholic Cathedral of Mar del Plata, Basílica De San Pedro Y Santa Cecilia, on April 15, 2023, presided by the Bishop of the Diocese of Mar Del Plata, Mons. Gabriel Mestre served as the gracious host. The official inauguration unfolded with a welcome by the General Secretary of the CBF, Fr. Jan Stefanow, SVD, followed by a prerecorded address from the President of the CBF, Card. Luis Antonio G. Tagle, televised to the assembly.
Unprecedented challenges marked the road leading to this historic gathering. Initially scheduled for April 2021, the Assembly faced postponements due to the global upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite further setbacks in October 2022, owing to a lack of quorum, the determined delegates finally convened in Argentina, launching the Assembly on April 15, 2023.
The vision that animated the Assembly centered on an unwavering commitment to continue spreading the message of hope rooted in God’s love and proclaiming the Word of God, undeterred by circumstances. Delegates representing diverse corners of the globe demonstrated an unwavering resolve, overcoming obstacles of time, distance, and adversity to fulfill this mission.
The delegates underscored the Catholic Biblical Federation’s commitment to co-responsibility rooted in Scripture. The threefold essence of the Word of God—Life, Light, and Communion—formed the bedrock of their collective mission. Delegates recognized the imperative for co-responsibility in preserving creation, caring for humanity, and fostering a united and accountable Church, echoing the values enshrined in Scripture. The Assembly resolved to strive to make CBF God’s instrument in working towards the recreation of the world in alignment with the divine plan as laid out in Scripture. It was affirmed that in the fragile yet vibrant landscape of contemporary life, the CBF emerges as a beacon of hope, transforming the "groaning" of our fragility into a resounding "sighing" for the dawn of God’s new creation.
As the Plenary Assembly concluded, the Church and the global community eagerly anticipates the positive effects of this gathering, inspired by the delegates' dedication to ushering God’s life-giving love and grace into our present realities through the Scripture.
To access the documents of the Plenary Assebly please click here.