The Catholic Biblical Federation has a new constitution
On October 20 the President of the Catholic Biblical Federation, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, present in Rome for the Synod on the Family, received the letter of approval of the new Constitutions of the Catholic Biblical Federation signed the previous day by Card. Kurt Koch. Two days later, on October 22 via a formal letter, Card. Tagle solemnly promulgated the new constitution so that it came into force.
The text of the new Constitution is the fruit of hard work carried out since 2009. Several consultations with all members, a review of the existing Constitution, an intense process of review and discussion at the Extraordinary Plenary Assembly in Ariccia (2011), and work by a commission appointed by the Executive Committee were among the stages on the way to the vote on the final text by the Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation at Nemi, Italy on 18 June 2015. With the approval of the Holy See on October 19 and promulgation by the President of the Federation on October 22 the new constitution entered into force and is binding on all.
Tags: Federation Constitution President Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle Roma