Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation in Rome (Italy).
On 23-24 November 2023, the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation held a meeting in Rome. The main topics for this meeting were the Federation’s 10th Plenary Assembly, its bylaws and administration, and its relationship with its members.
This meeting, which took place over two days, was the first in-person meeting of the new Executive Committee following the Plenary Assembly in Argentina in which they were elected.
The Bylaws are planned to be updated, as the current ones are from 2002 and are becoming obsolete. They will be updated after the new Constitution is approved. There was a discussion about necessary characteristics of the new Administrative Board, which will have eight members.
There are currently 329 members of the CBF, but not all are active or paying dues. It is crucial that the members are aware of both what the CBF can do for them and what they can do for the CBF.
Patrick Markey was appointed as CBF treasurer and the coordinators elected were Fr. Shaji Joseph Puykunnel SDB for CBF Rome Subregion and Rev. Manuel Villalobos CMF for CBF North America Region. The upcoming coordinators’ conference is proposed be in 2024.
The CBF’s next assembly is planned to take place in Asia. The importance of and plans for implementing the Assembly in each region was discussed, with particular difficulties arising in Europe. The Synod on Synodality was discussed in relation to how it can be connected to Biblical animation.