CBF Executive Committee Meeting
On 31 August 2023, the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation held a virtual meeting. The main topics of this meeting were the CBF’s 10th Plenary Assembly, the Administrative Board, and the CBF’s office in Rome.
The evaluation survey of the 10th Plenary Assembly was discussed. The results were largely positive, despite the last-minute need to change the location of the assembly. The financial report was also discussed, and even though there were some unexpected difficulties, all expenses have now been successfully covered. Work is underway on celebration of the upcoming Jubilee.
The transition of the Administrative Board is in progress, but the current members have agreed to continue until the new team takes over. The transition of the office location is in progress, with the closing of the contract with Sankt Ottilien Monasery nearly completed and the search for a new treasurer in progress.
The new office in Rome was officially inaugurated on 27 March. The search for new personnel is underway, and an accountant and secretary has been hired. A student internship program is in development in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame.
Tags: Federation CBF SC GenSec