In preparation for the Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation in November 2021, we invite all members and friends of our Federation to pray for God’s blessing, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the intercession of Mary, the Mother of the Word, for all its regions and their activities.
The intention for this month you can find here:
CBF Southern and Western Europe Subregion gathers the countries of the European part of the Mediterranean, and all the Anglophone and Francophone countries on the continent. This region played an important role in the initial stages of the Catholic Biblical Federation’s growth, due to its historic relationship with countries on other continents. These European countries facilitated the process of connecting the Federation to the rest of the world and establishing its presence there. Today, the process has been somewhat reversed, and Europe benefits and is animated by the biblical vigor of those formerly “mission territories”. Still, the implementation of the principle that the Bible ought to inspire and guide the entire pastoral ministry in the Church remains a main challenge for the tradition-based Church in the countries of the Southern and Western Europe.
Video presenting the publishing and missionary work of the Editorial Verbo Divino and the Grupo Editorial Verbo Divino from Spain.
The Catholic Biblical Service "Gospel and Life" - or S.B.E.V. - is made up of people who wish to share their passion for this centuries-old book that is the Bible. Most of them are Catholics and are respectful of each person's religious and philosophical convictions. Graduated "Biblists", university graduates or animators in neighbourhoods, high schools and parishes, they love to read and to have people read.
Presentation of the Múseo Bíblico Tarraconense by its director, Dr. Andreu Muñoz Melgar