Prayer nook

December 2020

In preparation for the Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation in November 2021, we invite all members and friends of our Federation to pray for God’s blessing, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the intercession of Mary, the Mother of the Word, for all its regions and their activities. 

The intention for this month you can find here:

Presentation of the Region

Catholic Biblical Federation has been present in this region right from its inception in 1969; together with Europe, this is the oldest region in the Federation. It is also the largest, containing 34% of all CBF members in the world, best developed, and most active. Thanks to a fruitful cooperation of the CBF with the biblical department of the Council of Latin American Episcopal Conferences (CELAM), almost all countries in the region organize Bible Sundays, Bible Weeks, and Bible Months. Numerous biblical centers run by dioceses, religious orders, and lay associations offer a great variety of biblical courses in various formats, and organize countless Bible-based Church activities, often organized in cooperation with the United Bible Societies. Thanks to these efforts, the Catholic Church in Latin America stands as a shining example of a Church rooted in and build on the Word of God. Still, the challenge of providing sufficient funds for sustaining biblical ministry in the reality of political instability and the atmosphere of social inequality and conflicts remains.

News from this Region

Bible Week 2024 in Panama
21 Sep 2024

The Archdiocese of Panama celebrated Bible Week 2024, themed "Peregrinos de la Esperanza hacia el alba de lo nuevo".

Virtual biblical training on the Gospel of Mark
01 May 2024


The Claretian biblical teams began on May 1 the formative biblical encounters on the Gospel of Mark. They will be held every month until the beginning of November.


Women's workshops 2023
16 Jun 2023

On 15 June, the CeBiClar Chile Women's Team started its Women's Workshops 2023 "Discovering Footprints, Courage and Wisdom of Women in the Bible".


Presentation of the Catholic Biblical Federation of Latin America and the Caribbean (FEBIC-LAC)

Video of the Catholic Biblical Federation of Latin America and the Caribbean (FEBIC-LAC) produced on the occasion of the International Bible Congress in Rome for the 50th anniversary of the Catholic Biblical Federation. 

Regional Gathering in Quito, Ecuador (2016)

The Continental Gathering of Pastoral Biblical Animation (ABP) took place from August 12 through 14 in Quito, Ecuador, with the launching of the Guiding Principles of Pastoral Biblical Animation for Latin America and the Caribbeanand the approval of the “Road Map” for the implementation of ABP throughout the continent for the years 2016-2019.


La Palabra Hoy - FEBIC-LAC news blog

Monthly Readings Calendar

Download printable Calendar (clicking on it)

Lectio divina material

Previous intentions

This month

November 2020

North America

October 2020


September 2020


August 2020

South-East Asia

July 2020

North-East Asia

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