
Die Bibelanimateure auf den Philippinen kamen am 23. Januar über die Zoom-Plattform zusammen, um den Sonntag des Wortes Gottes zu feiern. Seine Exzellenz Hochwürden Renato Mayugba, Vorsitzender der Bischöflichen Kommission für das Bibelapostolat (ECBA), stand der Heiligen Messe gemeinsam mit einigen Leitern des Bibelapostolats und Bibelanimateuren im ganzen Land vor. 

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Pope Francis, in his just published Apostolic Letter “Miericordia et Misera” to mark the end of the Year of Merccy has called for  one Sunday each year in all Christian Communities around the World to be celebrated as “Bible Sunday” during which the “the Sunday be given over entirely to the word of God so as to appreciate the inexhaustible riches contained in that constant dialogue between the Lord and his people”. “Initiatives of this sort would certainly include the practice of Lectio Divina...”

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