Was wir tun

The Catholic Biblical Federation is represented by 346 members (103 Full Members, 243 Associate members) in 125 countries of the world. These members are engaged in the most varied realms of biblical pastoral ministry. A common goal unites all members in their various tasks and areas of engagement: to work together for the single goal of making “easy access to the Bible” a reality for as many people as possible. In the words of the Plenary Assembly 2015: “With trust in God, the Merciful Father (2 Cor 1:3), we assume as Biblical Federation the challenges of a new chapter in evangelization (EG 1) in the context of a new era characterized by the immense wonders that humanity is discovering in God's creation, but where there is also present social exclusion, widespread violence, especially violence against women and children, the power of technology that paradoxically links us but also makes us more individualistic, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, terrorism and fratricidal wars, mixed with religious elements, particularly in the Middle East.”

Main fields of activity of CBF Members



