Notes on Biblical Spirituality. Mary of Nazareth: Biblical reflections for today’s culture - The Mother of the Word.
On the occasion of the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, a virtual conference was offered, where two biblical scholars representing two different contexts, have guided us in the deepening of our understanding of the meaning of this feast, and of the invocation of Mary "Mother of the Word", in the light of the Bible.
Prof. Ernesto Borghi
Born in Milan (ITA) in 1964, married and father of two children, Doctor in Theology (Uni-Fribourg) and Bachelor in Sacred Scripture (Pontifical Biblical Commission in Rome), professor of Sacred Scripture at the ISSR “Guardini” of Trient and at the PFTIM of Neaples (section St Thomas Aquinas), coordinator of the Southern and Western European Sub-Region of the Catholic Bible Federation and coordinator of biblical formation in the diocese of Lugano (CH).
Fr. Dariusz Pielak SVD
Priest of the Society of the Divine Word. Born in Poland in 1965. Entered the seminary in 1985. Ordained priest in 1994. Worked in Spain, Uruguay and Argentina. In 2000 he obtained licentiate in biblical theology at the University of Comillas (Madrid). Since 2003 he has been working in Russia, teaching New Testament at the major seminary in St. Petersburg and as a parish priest in the parish of St. Olga in Moscow.
Tags: Conference Spirituality Mariology Mother of the Word Italiano Español