Catholic Edition
New Community Bible
New Community Bible
Catholic Edition - App
The New Community Bible is a revised edition of the popular Christian Community Bible translated by Bernardo Hurault and published jointly by Saint Paul Publications, Divine Word Publications and Claretian Publications from the Philippines. The need for a new edition of the Christian Community Bible that takes into account the multi-cultural and multi-religious context of the modern society, was keenly felt way back in the 1980’s. Eventually a group of Bible scholars came together in 1990 under the leadership of the Society of Saint Paul (ST PAULS) to revise and adapt The Christian Community Bible to the needs of today’s world. One of the strong points of The Christian Community Bible was the Commentary that ran all along the text of the Bible. The scholars felt that any serious and contextualized Commentary on the Sacred Text could not ignore the rich cultural and religious heritage of peoples. Reference had to be made, therefore, to the Biblical values found also in other world religions. The commentary had to be re-written in toto. A careful revision of the text too was called for in some instances. Quite a few of the best Bible scholars of our times have contributed directly or indirectly to the making of this NEW Bible, the NCB.