"We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life" (1 Jn 1,1)

50 years at the service of the Word of God

 The Catholic Biblical Federation was founded in April 1969 with the encouragement of Pope Paul VI for the implementation of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution Dei Verbum and in particular of its chapter on the Holy Scripture in the Life of the Church.

 The CBF members’ rich experience in Bible sharing and in the development of translations and materials within the various world cultures over the years provides a real treasure that can benefit the Biblical pastoral ministry of all Catholic organizations and associations devoted to the important ecclesial mission.  

Catholic world fellowship

The Catholic Biblical Federation is a Catholic world fellowship of administratively distinct international and local organizations committed to biblical pastoral ministry. To achieve its purpose the Federation is divided into regions and subregions in order to enable a more effective sharing of experience and collaboration among the members of a particular cultural or linguistic area in view of supporting their biblical pastoral ministry.


The region of great projects in the past and of equally great challenges in the present. The General Secretariat of the Federation is located here.

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Middle East

Catholic Biblical Federation of the Middle East was founded in 1985 in Egypt by Mgr Antonios Nagib, the former Coptic Catholic Patriarch. Since then,five countries adhered to the Federation: Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran.

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Asiatic approaches to the Bible can be inspired by the wisdom traditions of the East and they often pursue holistic and integrative approaches. Second most active Region in the Federation.

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Great physical distances and great cultural diversity make it difficult to coordinate and work together among the various members of this region with great potential that is yet to be discovered.

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The Region of hope and great challenges, where the Federation is present from the moment of its foundation.

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Latin America

The most numerous and dynamic Region of the Federation. With the entry of 4 new members during 2017, at 31 December FEBIC LAC accounted for 119 members, 35% of CBF membership worldwide.

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North America

A Region of great contrasts - large distribution of Bibles and little coordinated biblical activity. The Federation is slowly extending and reinforcing its structures here.

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Our materials

  • Church Documents

    We have made a selection of documents of the ordinary and extraordinary magisterium of the Catholic Church concerning the Bible, its study and use in the life, pastoral ministry and mission of the Church. All these documents can be consulted free of charge through this space that we put at your disposal.

    See the Documents ->>>

  • CBF Documents

    The Catholic Biblical Federation has as one of its objectives to promote the Biblical Animation of the Life and Pastoral Ministry of the Church. To this end, each Plenary Assembly issues a Final Document, which offers guidelines for the members of the Federation and the Church in General to promote and develop the Biblical Animation of the Life and Pastoral Ministry of the Church.

    Here you can consult all the final documents of the Plenary Assemblies of the Catholic Biblical Federation and other important documents and contributions of the Catholic Biblical Federation and its members.

    See the Documents ->>>

  • CBF Publications

    In the past, the General Secretariat of the CBF edited and published books and printed documents. Currently, these types of publications are offered free of charge in digital format.

    Here you will find information about books published in the past and digital publications available for free online.

    See the Publications ->>>

  • CBF Bulletin BDVdigital

    Bulletin Dei Verbum is published by the General Secretariat of the Catholic Biblical Federation. As a forum for reflection on issues in biblical pastoral ministry, Bulletin Dei Verbum publishes academic contributions, reports on projects and experiences of individual member organisations and CBF subregions, informs about Federation news and provides information concerning recent publications in the field. It appears twice a year in English, French, German and Spanish.

    See the Bulletin ->>>

  • CBF Biblical-Pastoral Resources

    We have selected and make available to you free of charge various biblical-pastoral materials produced by the members of the Catholic Biblical Federation from all over the world.

    See materials ->>>


Gemeinsam unterwegs. Bibel und Synodalität der Kirche… in einer zerbrechlichen Welt

04 Nov 2024

Seit 2016 gibt es in der Pfarrei „Region Echternach St.-Willibrord“ etliche Initiativen in der Bibelpastoral, eine notwendige Dimension einer „Willibrorduskirche“. Das Pastoralteam der Pfarrei, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Katholischen Bibelföderation und dem Centre de formation diocésain, hat Prof. Thomas Söding eingeladen, uns mit seinen Gedanken und Überzeugungen zur Synodalität, zur Bibel und zur Bibelpastoral zu begleiten und herauszufordern.

Gemeinsam unterwegs. Bibel und Synodalität der Kirche… in einer zerbrechlichen Welt

04 Nov 2024

Seit 2016 gibt es in der Pfarrei „Region Echternach St.-Willibror

Visit from Mexico

10 Oct 2024

Monsignor Adolfo Miguel Castaño Fonseca, Bishop of Azcapotzalco an

Visit from Japan

08 Oct 2024

Newly appointed Cardinal, President of the Episcopal Conference of

Visit from Serbia

07 Oct 2024

Newly appointed Cardinal, Mons. Ladislav Nemet SVD,Archbishop of Be


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They make our mission possible

About 25% of the budget of the Catholic Biblical Federation is funded through the fees paid by members in Europe and North America (the membership fees of other regions remain in the regions to help them create their own funding base) and the remaining 75% is covered by subsidies from catholic donor agencies and institutions.