Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: "How to remain in His Word? Liturgy, Catechesis, Charity from the Bible to Everyone's Life" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe and Central European sub-region the of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: "Teaching, preaching, healing for the Life of All" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: ""Listening to Words of Life to live as Human Beings".
Desde Editorial Verbo Divino se invita a participar en la charla-coloquio el lunes 19 de abril, de 19,00 a 20,30 hs. sobre el libro: De Jerusalén a Roma. La marginalidad del cristianismo de los orígenes, de Rafael Aguirre (Ed.).
The Middle East Biblical Association is organising its XVII Biblical Conference “Have no fear, little flock” (Lk 12,32) - The Gospel according to Luke.
Sub-region of Southern and Western Europe and Central European sub-region the of the Catholic Biblical Federation organised a teleconference on the topic: ""The Prophecy of the Gospel for the Life of All" - Towards the Sunday of the Word of God".
Subregión de Europa del Meridional y Occidental y Subregión de Europa Central la de la Federación Bíblica Católica organizaron una teleconferencia sobre el tema: "La profecía del Evangelio para la vida de todos" - Hacia el Domingo de la Palabra de Dios
The South-East Asia Region of the Catholic Biblical Federation will sponsor a teleconference on the topic: "The Church, the Word of God and the World in a Pandemic Crisis: Coping with the Crisis in the Light of Scriptures and Envisioning a New Normal in the Aftermath". The keynote speaker will be His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle.
Con motivo del quinto aniversario de su fundación, el Centro Bíblico Pastoral María de Magdala de Colombia, ha organizando el 1er Congreso Virtual Internacional cuyo tema central es: "... lo que más me aterraba me acontece" (Job 3,25b): reflexiones, desde el libro de Job, sobre la pandemia que desestabilizó el mundo