Assemblée plénière de la FBC


L'organe directeur de la Fédération est l'assemblée plénière. Il s'agit d'une conférence des délégués des membres à part entière et des membres associés qui se tient régulièrement tous les six ans. L'Assemblée plénière fixe les lignes directrices du travail de la Fédération pour les six années suivantes. Elle élit également les membres du Comité exécutif. L'Assemblée plénière offre aux membres de la FBC l'occasion de se rencontrer à l'échelle mondiale. Elle est le lieu d'échange et de réflexion au-delà des frontières régionales et continentales.

10e Assemblée Plénière

9e Assemblée Plénière

  • Nemi (Italy), 2015

    President: Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Manila, Philippines

    General Secretary: Fr. Jan J. Stefanów, svd

  • IX Plenary Assembly - Nemi (2015)

    “Sacred Scriptures source of evangelization - «What we have seen and heard we are proclaiming to you»" (1 Jn 1:3)

  • IX Plenary Assembly - Nemi (2015)

    All the documents and conferences of the CBF IX Plenary Assembly held in Nemi in June 2015 have been published in

    BDVdigital n. 102-103 (2015, 1-2) --->>>

  • IX Plenary Assembly - Nemi (2015)

8e Assemblée plénière (extraordinaire)

  • Ariccia (Italy), 2011

    President: Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italiy

    General Secretary: Dr. Thomas P. Osborne

  • VIII Plenary Assembly, Ariccia (Italy), 2011

    "Word of God – Source of Constant Renewal”

7e Assemblée plénière

  • Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), 2008

    President: Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italiy

    General Secretary: Lic. theol. Alexander M. Schweitzer

  • VII Plenary Assembly, Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), 2008

    “Word of God – Source of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace”

  • VII Plenary Assembly, Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), 2008

    All the documents and conferences of the CBF VII Plenary Assembly held in Dar Es Salaam in June 2008 have been published in

    Bulletin Dei Verbum 88-89 (2008, 3-4) --->>>

  • VII Plenary Assembly, Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), 2008

6e Assemblée plénière

  • Beirut (Lebanon), 2002

    President: Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italiy

    General Secretary: Lic. theol. Alexander M. Schweitzer

  • VI Plenary Assembly, Beirut (Lebanon), 2002

    "Word of God - A Blessing for all Nations: 'You show me the ways of life' (Acts 2,28; Ps 16,11)"

  • VI Plenary Assembly, Beirut (Lebanon), 2002

    All the documents and conferences of the CBF VI Plenary Assembly held in Beirut in September 2002 have been published in

    Bulletin Dei Verbum 62-63 (2002, 1-2) --->>>

    Bulletin Dei Verbum 64-65 (2002, 3-4) --->>>

  • VI Plenary Assembly, Beirut (Lebanon), 2002

6e Assemblée plénière

  • Hong Kong, 1996

    President: Bishop Wilhelm Egger, Bolzano-Bressanone, Italy

    General Secretary: Fr. Ludger Feldkämper, svd

  • V Plenary Assembly, Hong Kong, 1996

    "Word of God - Source of Life: 'The Word was made flesh... that they may have life in all its fullness' (Jn 1,14; 10,10)"

  • V Plenary Assembly, Hong Kong, 1996

    All the documents and conferences of the CBF V Plenary Assembly held in Hong Kong in July 1996 have been published in

    Bulletin Dei Verbum 40-41 (1996, 3-4) --->>>

  • V Plenary Assembly, Hong Kong, 1996

4e Assemblée plénière

  • Bogotá (Colombia), 1990

    President: Bishop Alberto Ablondi, Livorno, Italy

    General Secretary: Fr. Ludger Feldkämper, svd

  • IV Plenary Assembly, Bogotá (Colombia), 1990

    "The Bible in the New Evangelization: 'Behold, I make all things new' (Is 43,19; Rev 21,5)"

  • IV Plenary Assembly, Bogotá (Colombia), 1990


    All the documents and conferences of the CBF IV Plenary Assembly held in Bogotá in June-July 1990 have been published in

    Bulletin Dei Verbum 15-16 (1990, 2-3) --->>>


  • IV Plenary Assembly, Bogotá (Colombia), 1990

  • Bogotá (Colombia), 1990

3e Assemblée plénière

  • Bangalore (India), 1984

    President: Bishop Alberto Ablondi, Livorno, Italy

    General Secretary: Fr. Ludger Feldkämper, svd

  • III Plenary Assembly, Bangalore (India), 1984

    "God’s Prophetic People: 'Would that all were prophets' (Num 11,29)"

  • III Plenary Assembly, Bangalore (India), 1984

    All the conferences of the CBF III Plenary Assembly held in Bangalore in 1984 you can find here:

    See the Documents --->>>

  • III Plenary Assembly, Bangalore (India), 1984

2e Assemblée plénière

  • Malta, 1978


    President: Cardinal Paul Zoungrana, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

    General Secretary: Fr. Arnold Jurgens, mhm

  • II Plenary Assembly, Malta, 1978

    "Biblical Spirituality"

I Assemblée plénière

  • Vienna (Austria), 1972


    President: Cardinal Franz König, Vienna, Austria

    General Secretary: Fr. Jan Van der Valk, sdb

  • I Plenary Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 1972

    "Bible and Liturgy"