Friends' of the CBF Campaign in the Diocese of Paterson
Friends of the Catholic Biblical Federation (FCBF) was invited to benefit this year from the Missionary Cooperation Plan coordinated by the Mission Office of the Diocese of Paterson.
The Missionary Cooperation Plan – (MCP) coordinated by the Mission Office of the Diocese of Paterson trains and educates the people of the diocese for the missionary work of the Church, and endeavors to provide financial aid to mission-sending communities, societies and dioceses around the world. The Mission Office coordinates requests for funding from various missions and approves their representatives or contact persons to come to the diocese to give a mission appeal talk in the parishes assigned to them.
Friends of the Catholic Biblical Federation was invited to participate this year in the Missionary Cooperation Plan in the Diocese of Paterson.
Unfortunately, due to the limitations related to the COVID pandemic the FCBF delegates will not be able to be present in the Diocese of Paterson when this solidarity campaign takes place. For this reason, the General Secretary of the Catholic Biblical Federation and Executive Director of Friends of the CBF, Fr. Jan Stefanów, SVD, prepared an audiovisual message to present the Catholic Biblical Federation and the projects of its members that will be financed with the funds collected in this campaign. A brochure prepared especially for this occasion will also be distributed in the parishes where this campaign will be carried out.
Also, this new challenge can be an advantage, because through the internet we can expand the scope of this campaign. We invite all friends and benefactors of Friends of the CBF to join this campaign by using the materials below.