Bibles for young people and for vulnerable families in Kenya

Missionary Servants of the Word

Bibles for young people and for vulnerable families in Kenya

The Missionary Servants of the Word from Kenya, under the auspices of the Catholic Biblical Federation, have successfully completed a project that is made possible by the funding provided by Aid to the Church in Need International. The project aims to distribute over 1500 Bibles in diverse languages across Kenya.

The 1000 Bibles in Kiswahili, 500 Bibles in English and many Bibles in the Maasai language will arrive in the hands of many young people and in the homes of vulnerable families in various parishes in Kenya.

This is how Sister Leticia Aguilar Lớpez, hmsp, Regional Superior and administrator of the project, relates it:

"One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God." (Mt.4:4)

There are two fundamental foods to live on: bread and the word of God. We know that spiritual food is as important as material food, though often forgotten or goes unnoticed, resulting in a world that is increasingly lacking in values. In the face of hunger we know that we can give bread, but what about in the face of emptiness and darkness? This can only be solved by listening to the word of God, which feeds us and illuminates our path, giving it true meaning.

Convinced of the effectiveness of the Word of God, the Missionary Servants of the Word in different parishes in Kenya, have carried out the tireless work of preaching with the Bible in hand to many, through retreats, Bible courses, visiting families at their homes, good press, radio, TV, social networks, in short, all the means that God puts at our disposal. Our Lord always manifests his infinite providence and mercy in different ways, to accomplish our mission. Just in 2022, during his visit to Kenya, Fr. Jan J. Stefanów, SVD, General Secretary of the CBF (Catholic Biblical Federation) encouraged us to develop the project "Purchasing and distribution of subsidized Bibles among the poor in Ngong diocese." We wrote our project requesting financial support to purchase Bibles in different languages and sell them at a subsidized price to vulnerable families in our diocese. We sent our request to ACN (Aid to the Church in Need) Germany. Thank heavens they responded to our request.

This is how we obtained a generous grant that allowed us to acquire more than 1000 Swahilli Bibles, 500 English Bibles and many Maasai Bibles. In consequence of these subsidized bibles:

  • The problem of language barrier has been dealt because the beneficiaries can now read the Bible in the languages they are more conversant with and understand better hence enhancing active participation in biblical retreat, bible courses and other church activities.
  • Many Christians are able to own a bible now than before due to the affordability of the bibles.
  • There is increasing desire to know and reflect on the word of God
  • Noticeable spiritual growth and maturity as the beneficiaries are constantly in touch with the word of God, the book per excellence, that contains all the fundamentals of our faith.

We are infinitely grateful to Fr. Jan J. Stefanów, SVD, for his support and guidance in achieving this project and to ACN for your generous contribution to the Catholic church in Kenya that not only needs material bread, but also spiritual bread. May the Lord, the giver of life, multiply your generosity a hundredfold. We assure you of our prayers.

Yours sincerely, in Christ Missionary of the Father:

Sister Leticia Aguilar Lớpez, hmsp
Regional Superior



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